It's never difficult to catch a glimpse of history anywhere one goes in Europe. Munich and surrounds are full of relics and reminders of its long and colourful histories of the city itself as well as of the former Bavarian kingdoms.
Munich celebrates its anniversary every year in mid-June, and this year the festivities are held on 15th to 16th June. I went into town on the 15th wanting to try the Prinzregententorte (literally Prince Regent Cake), Munich's very own cake originally made as a present for Prince Regent Luitpold, in the bakery that was believed to be the birth place of the cake. As soon as I found out that Munich was celebrating its 855th anniversary that day, I thought how appropriate it was to mark this occasion with a 'birthday cake' that is one of the symbols of the city itself!

A Munich birthday cake for Munich's anniversary!

Having a beer is another very local way to celebrate!
Enjoying a day out in traditional Bavarian style (above) and in typical turn of 20th century style (right)
The former Bavarian kings and princes have several residences around Munich, and on the 16th I visited Schloss Schleißheim (Schleissheim Castle) which is located north of the city and conveniently only about 5.5 km from where I stay. I started the visit with a pleasant bike ride and lunch in the beer garden by the castle. Then I took a ramble within the park of the castle, starting from the Neues Schloss (New Castle) at one end to the Schloss Lustheim on the other end. While it may look non-descript, Schloss Lustheim is home to the largest collection of Meissen porcelain outside Dresden thanks to a generous donation by a private collector. It took me at least an hour to browse through the entire collection while trying to understand the important artistic developments of the porcelain.
從前的巴伐利亞皇室,在慕尼黑建了好幾家皇宮,16日那天我便參觀了位於慕尼黑以北的Schleißheim皇宮,離家祇是5.5公里左右,所以騎腳踏車前往並不遠,而且沿途一片郊野景色也頗怡人。到達皇宮後,我先到那裡的啤酒園吃一道地道午餐,然後在皇宮花園逛逛,從新皇宮(Neues Schloss)的那一端到另一端的Lustheim皇宮,別小覷Lustheim其貌不揚,其實那裡展出了德雷斯頓(Dresden)以外最大型的Meissen陶瓷收藏,由一位私人收藏家捐出,走遍全館看展品和了解一下說明便花了我個多小時呢。
Neues Schloss 新皇宮

The park of the castle
Schloss Lustheim from afar

The ceiling in the main hall of Schloss Lustheim
See also this photo album for the exhibits.
The Neues Schloss is nothing short of spectacular with its grand halls, including the stair hall that beams with grandeur with its high ceilings, wide stairways and the decors on the walls. Parts of it were mirrored on Château de Versailles (and it's not the first castle to do so; others include the Schloss Schonbrunn in Vienna and the Schloss Herrenchiemsee at Chiemsee) but I must say that the stair hall here is more glorious than Versailles!

The Grand Hall (Der große Saal)
The Grand Gallery (Die große Galerie) 皇宮大畫廊

The staircase hall (Das Treppenhaus)

The Victory Hall (Der Viktoriensaal)
The Vestibule (Vestibül)
Germans are big on mediaeval festivities during the summer months, and this year coincides with the re-enactment of the Landshuter Hochzeit (Landshut Wedding) held once every 4 years! The original wedding took place in 1475, between the royal families of Bavaria-Landshut and Poland (see the official website for a more detailed history). Nowadays the celebrations consist of re-enacting the wedding itself – it was open to VIPs only but a colleague and I caught a glimpse of the 'prince' and the 'princess' before they disappeared into the hall – and a long parade through the two main streets of the town with people from all walks of life back in those days. I was hoping to be able to taste some mediaeval food but instead I was offered a 'mediaeval style' beer at 10:30, the earliest time ever for me to have any alcoholic drinks!

A mediaeval open kitchen

Festival wreaths worn by many

Bands roaming around town

Getting ready for the parade

Burg Trausnitz (Trausnitz Castle), where the wedding took place
The prince and princess
The photos of this parade are in this photo album.
Landshut itself was worth a visit without the wedding. The houses in the village were painted with a variety of bright colours, instead of other typical Bavarian villages which are dominated with wooden houses or are almost uniformly in white. It is located by the river Isar, the same river that passes through Munich and ends in confluence with the Danube, and would have made for a pleasant bike ride if time allowed.

Colourful houses

Town hall

Martinskirche (St. Martin's Church)

Landshut by the Isar (left and below)
Travelling back in time always has its fascination, and these celebrations allow a community to take pride in and learn from their history. There is always more to explore but that will have to wait another time!
Munich celebrates its anniversary every year in mid-June, and this year the festivities are held on 15th to 16th June. I went into town on the 15th wanting to try the Prinzregententorte (literally Prince Regent Cake), Munich's very own cake originally made as a present for Prince Regent Luitpold, in the bakery that was believed to be the birth place of the cake. As soon as I found out that Munich was celebrating its 855th anniversary that day, I thought how appropriate it was to mark this occasion with a 'birthday cake' that is one of the symbols of the city itself!
A Munich birthday cake for Munich's anniversary!
Having a beer is another very local way to celebrate!
Enjoying a day out in traditional Bavarian style (above) and in typical turn of 20th century style (right)
The former Bavarian kings and princes have several residences around Munich, and on the 16th I visited Schloss Schleißheim (Schleissheim Castle) which is located north of the city and conveniently only about 5.5 km from where I stay. I started the visit with a pleasant bike ride and lunch in the beer garden by the castle. Then I took a ramble within the park of the castle, starting from the Neues Schloss (New Castle) at one end to the Schloss Lustheim on the other end. While it may look non-descript, Schloss Lustheim is home to the largest collection of Meissen porcelain outside Dresden thanks to a generous donation by a private collector. It took me at least an hour to browse through the entire collection while trying to understand the important artistic developments of the porcelain.
從前的巴伐利亞皇室,在慕尼黑建了好幾家皇宮,16日那天我便參觀了位於慕尼黑以北的Schleißheim皇宮,離家祇是5.5公里左右,所以騎腳踏車前往並不遠,而且沿途一片郊野景色也頗怡人。到達皇宮後,我先到那裡的啤酒園吃一道地道午餐,然後在皇宮花園逛逛,從新皇宮(Neues Schloss)的那一端到另一端的Lustheim皇宮,別小覷Lustheim其貌不揚,其實那裡展出了德雷斯頓(Dresden)以外最大型的Meissen陶瓷收藏,由一位私人收藏家捐出,走遍全館看展品和了解一下說明便花了我個多小時呢。
Neues Schloss 新皇宮
The park of the castle
Schloss Lustheim from afar

The ceiling in the main hall of Schloss Lustheim
See also this photo album for the exhibits.
The Neues Schloss is nothing short of spectacular with its grand halls, including the stair hall that beams with grandeur with its high ceilings, wide stairways and the decors on the walls. Parts of it were mirrored on Château de Versailles (and it's not the first castle to do so; others include the Schloss Schonbrunn in Vienna and the Schloss Herrenchiemsee at Chiemsee) but I must say that the stair hall here is more glorious than Versailles!

The Grand Hall (Der große Saal)
The Grand Gallery (Die große Galerie) 皇宮大畫廊

The staircase hall (Das Treppenhaus)

The Victory Hall (Der Viktoriensaal)
The Vestibule (Vestibül)
Germans are big on mediaeval festivities during the summer months, and this year coincides with the re-enactment of the Landshuter Hochzeit (Landshut Wedding) held once every 4 years! The original wedding took place in 1475, between the royal families of Bavaria-Landshut and Poland (see the official website for a more detailed history). Nowadays the celebrations consist of re-enacting the wedding itself – it was open to VIPs only but a colleague and I caught a glimpse of the 'prince' and the 'princess' before they disappeared into the hall – and a long parade through the two main streets of the town with people from all walks of life back in those days. I was hoping to be able to taste some mediaeval food but instead I was offered a 'mediaeval style' beer at 10:30, the earliest time ever for me to have any alcoholic drinks!
A mediaeval open kitchen
Festival wreaths worn by many
Bands roaming around town
Getting ready for the parade
Burg Trausnitz (Trausnitz Castle), where the wedding took place
The prince and princess
The photos of this parade are in this photo album.
Landshut itself was worth a visit without the wedding. The houses in the village were painted with a variety of bright colours, instead of other typical Bavarian villages which are dominated with wooden houses or are almost uniformly in white. It is located by the river Isar, the same river that passes through Munich and ends in confluence with the Danube, and would have made for a pleasant bike ride if time allowed.
Colourful houses
Town hall
Martinskirche (St. Martin's Church)
Landshut by the Isar (left and below)
Travelling back in time always has its fascination, and these celebrations allow a community to take pride in and learn from their history. There is always more to explore but that will have to wait another time!