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Showing posts from April 5, 2013

The sea and history at Williamstown 海和歷史在墨爾本的結合

This summer Melbourne experienced unusual heat, in that there were several heat waves from February and mid-March (lasting up to 9 days in March). The weather stayed by and large quite stable, in contrast to the normal cycle from cool to hot days and without the usual hot winds from inland on most days. It so happened that I had to organise a picnic for my Chinese colleagues, and it occurred to me that a seaside place like Williamstown would be a good idea. 這個夏季熱得不尋常,二月至三月中好幾次持續炎熱數天(最多是三月上旬的9天),天氣總體上穩定,有別於過往由清涼漸轉炎熱的循環,而熱的日子往往也沒有颳起從內陸來的強烈熱風,剛好我要負責為中國人同事安排野餐,所以便想起去位於海邊的Williamstown區。 Taking a more winding route to Williamstown: through Fishermen's Bend to the Westgate Bridge, then cross the river by a punt . 那天有空,所以特意經Fishermen's Bend來到Westgate Bridge橋底坐「橫水渡」過河到Williamstown。 Two weeks before the picnic (10th March) I asked one of my friends to join me for a walk along the shore in Williamstown to find a good picnic spot. I’ve obviously chosen a good ...