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Showing posts from April 28, 2008

24 - Laboratory Version 爭分奪秒(實驗室版)

Tick tick tick tick … 滴答滴答…… 24/4/2008 13:40 I read the e-mail from the student in my lab group, in Madrid at that time to learn how to perform an experiment so that he could repeat it in my lab next Tuesday, 29/4 (and some time in the future for me too). So he told me and my direct supervisor what he would need. The main instrument turned out to be something that our department doesn’t own, while he mentioned a special requirement for one of the reagents. I have used it before from a particular company, but it may not meet his requirement, and it’s also run out. Time to get into gear and hunt for those things – after all there were only 2 full working days between that day and the experiment day. Didn’t feel too optimistic about the experiment being able to go ahead on 29/4 as planned (now postponed by another day for another reason). Wrote back to the student telling him to prepare for a possible delay and asking for more specs for the reagent. 收到實驗小組的學生從馬德里發來的電郵,他在那裡一家實驗室作交流,學習如何做一個...