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Showing posts from July 5, 2010

Sunny Brisbane and Sunshine Coast 陽光普照的布里斯本和陽光海岸

Thanks to Her Majesty, we enjoyed a long weekend in the middle of June supposedly for her ‘birthday’. Since that was the last weekend of the year (12 to 14 June) and I haven’t been to the state of Queensland in the north of Australia at all, I decided to make a trip to the state capital Brisbane for a winter escape and visiting a friend. 六月中英女皇恩賜壽辰假期一天,趁是年內最後一個長週末(12至14日),而且一直沒有踏足過澳洲北面的昆士蘭州,我便北上至該州首府布里斯本(Brisbane)遊覽,順道探朋友和避寒。 The miserable weather and cold air of Melbourne gave way to the sunny skies and warmer weather as soon as the plane landed in Brisbane. But it took me by surprise that about half of the people in the streets, especially the youngsters, were wearing only shorts and T-shirts when the temperature was barely touching 20 degrees and I was still wearing a jacket. I wondered what those people could wear in the really hot summer days. 甫下機,墨爾本的迷濛煙雨和寒氣一掃而散,換來的是晴空一片和溫暖一點的天氣,不過令我不解的是,第一天下午,最高氣溫才剛好20度,我仍要穿夾克,但街上有一半人——尤其是年青人——祇是穿T恤短褲,究竟夏天更熱時他們還可以穿甚麼? The Brisbane CBD looked rat...