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Showing posts from February 24, 2021

Bicheno - our one-day stop in the Tasmanian East Coast 比奇諾——塔斯曼尼亞東岸小鎮的兩夜一日

After Launceston my wife and I made a stop in the Tasmanian East Coast town of Bicheno just as what this 'Just Stop' sign told us to do! 離開朗塞斯頓後,我和太太來到塔斯曼尼亞東岸小鎮比奇諾,既然鎮內貼了好幾張寫了Just Stop的標語,我們也樂意從命! The coastline 海岸線 Bicheno is more than a normal run-of-the-mill seaside town. It has a long rugged coastline which is best experienced at the Bicheno Blowhole where the incoming waves get squeezed between the rocks and spouted out through the blowhole in a spray. One can spend endless time catching the most spectacular jets of water gushing out of the whole while admiring at the sea on the rock platform. 比奇諾擁有一條長而嶙峋的海岸線,景色不是一般海濱小鎮能比擬。鎮內東南面海岸,有一個噴水洞,當海浪拍岸時,水便擠進石隙再透過該洞噴射出來,在石灘一邊守候最壯觀的水幕一邊放眼四周海景,足讓人消磨不少時間。 But with such a long stretch of rocky coastline, walking by the sea was mostly no walk in the park. Thankfully the northwestern corner of the town has a long sandy beach called Redbill Beach, and as a bonus during low tides one can walk on the exposed seabed onw...