This afternoon I received an SMS message notifying me of service disruptions, and it said one of the evening services was ‘undefined’. What can this rather mysterious message mean? Perhaps the train company has become bored of the word ‘cancelled’? 今天下班收到火車公司通知服務改動的手機短訴,曰其中一班車「不能界定」(undefined),究竟何解?可能是說「取消」說得太多要搞點新意思吧? At the station, one of the escalators leading to my platform was still closed after three weeks of repair works. How long can this possibly take? That’s probably enough time to replace the escalator completely! 到了火車站,其中一道電動扶梯封閉了三個多星期維修也沒修好,究竟修一修這麼簡單的扶梯也要這麼久嗎?整道換過也可以了! Also taking its time is a mobile phone shop in the lobby of the hospital building where I work. It’s been saying ‘Opening soon’ for at least two months, but the interior décor would suggest ‘Closed ad infinitum’ instead if no one is going to work on it. 同樣,上班的醫院大樓,地下大堂有一家手機店,說「即將開幕」不止兩個月,可是內部裝潢祇可用「原封不動」形容,看來開幕無期了。 Last week the Australian police unearthed a potential ‘terrorist plot’ (well, this is really t...