The perfect weather in Easter was best used for going out and about. 復活節時天公造美,當然是出外逛逛的時候。 On Easter Sunday (12th April), my parents and I went for a side trip to the Docklands area right beside the CBD before visiting some relatives. Docklands is a relatively new part of the city, and is slowly taking shape as a trendy residential district with a cluster of discount outlet shops. A Ferris wheel was added some time last year, but at the moment it’s nothing more than a standing decoration due to structural damages inflicted by the extreme heat back in January and February. The repair work is supposed to need about a year, but afterwards I don’t think I would have much interest in going on it. From what I can see at its base, the scenery isn’t really anything to write home about. 復活節星期日(4月12日)我和家父、家母探親戚前先住毗鄰市中心的船塢區(Docklands),那裡近十來年才逐步開發,逐漸成為混合住宅和名牌特賣場的地區,去年還建了個摩天輪,不過竟因為一、二月時天氣異常酷熱而令結構受損,要一年時間才可修復!就摩天輪的地點所見,景色也不算有啥特色,將來我也不會特別有興趣上去看看。 Trendy residential buildings 設計新穎的住宅大廈 The future in a ...