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Showing posts from January 1, 2013

From autumn to winter in 2 weeks 秋至冬的大變身

In mid-October I went to Munich for 2 weeks to attend a conference and do some laboratory work. The weather put on a good show in this short period of time, as gorgeous autumn sceneries suddenly gave way to an early and abrupt arrival of a snow-covered landscape! 十月中到慕尼黑開會議和做實驗兩星期,在短短的時間內感受到秋天最美的一面和突如其來、提早來臨的冬天! As I was on board the train from Frankfurt Airport to Munich upon arrival on 15th October, I already noticed that this autumn has started later than usual as the forests en route were still displaying a mix of green, amber and yellow and very few trees had all the leaves shed. And upon arrival in Munich, I was delighted to see the neighbourhood near my research institute and the streets in the city were all in lively autumn colours. Under the blue skies and mild autumn sunshine, the red and golden leaves looked especially brilliant and gave the world an extra warm and cosy feeling. 我10月15日在法蘭克福下飛機,再轉乘火車往慕尼黑,沿途樹林橙色、黃色如綠色斑駁,仍未有廣泛落葉的跡象,心想這個秋天可能比平時遲來吧。到了慕尼黑,不論在研究所周圍,或是會議場地附近,甚至...