In my many years living in Melbourne, I don’t go out very often because there’s usually not much to see and the night scenery is generally rather plain. But it was a different story on 23rd February, as it was the inaugural White Night (which originated from Nuite Blanche of Paris) with round-the-clock art exhibitions, light shows and opening of selected art galleries, museums and the State Library from 19:00 to 07:00 the next day. I took the opportunity to see what was on offer. 在墨爾本居住多年,平常甚少晚上逛街,因為沒甚麼看頭,夜景又有點單調,但2月23日那晚可不同了,那晚是墨爾本首屆White Night(白夜),市區由晚上7點至翌晨7點有接連的藝術展出和燈光表演,博物館、藝術館和州立圖書館通宵開放,我見機會難得便出市區附庸風雅一番。 State Parliament building (of Victoria) 維多利亞州議會 Flinders Street railway station on a normal night 平時晚上的Flinders Street車站 Possibly one of the best night scenes that Melbourne can offer 少數墨爾本夜景中最美的一面 I first went to a free open-air concert by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra with a friend at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl. There w...