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Showing posts from February 11, 2013

Taking in Mount Dandenong piece by piece 山不在高

Mount Dandenong is the closest mountain range to Melbourne. While it’s not particularly high in altitude and may not boost of anything out of this world, it covers a large area and is impossible to see it in full all at once. 墨爾本附近的丹頂農山(Mount Dandenong),不算是甚麼高山,也非甚麼奇山異水,不過範圍頗大,每次前往都祇能涉足一小片。  Last August when my brother’s family came for a brief stay, I took them to the Puffing Billy Steam Train, not least to entertain my 2-year-old nephew. The train meandered its way through the woods along a winding track to the terminus Emerald Lake, which would have made for a very pleasant for a short visit if not for the cold wind and rain. Instead we spent most of the time taking shelter and keeping warm, and I felt as if I had been through an especially arduous day, which was a rather unusual feeling for me because I’m used to working and walking myself hard when I travel! 去年八月胞弟一家來墨爾本短暫一遊,其中一天便帶他們坐Puffing Billy蒸氣小火車,最主要目的當然是要逗兩歲姪兒開心啦!火車穿過一小片樹林後,在山中蜿蜒前往終點的Emerald Lake,很可惜天公不造美,刮冷風下微雨,祇顧著...