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Showing posts from April 1, 2011

Some fun news on Pommesfritesland! 娛人節特稿——薯條國

People of Pommesfritesland started a Pommes Frites revolution back in February to demand the political parties of that country to work together to form a government. However, things have since then taken a turn for the worse and the political parties plunged deeper and deeper into disagreement. The only thing that they could agree on was to split the country into two along the ethnic and cultural boundary. 薯條國國民發動「 薯條革命 」,原意是促使各政黨儘快組成聯合政府,但事與願違,政治談判不但無成果,各黨反而愈吵愈烈,最終決定於4月1日把國家按民族和語言分界一分為二。 The news took the world by surprise, and many Pommesfritesland citizens only found out when they were denied entry upon arrival in a foreign country because their country was no longer existent. Those already abroad faced the problem of being stranded because their passports and nationality were no longer recognised. They would have to stay put until the arrangements for the separation of Pommesfritesland are finalised and new passports can be issued. The United Nations described it as the largest pe...