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Showing posts from October 12, 2008

Barcelona de Gaudí 巴塞羅那——高廸篇

Barcelona is the playground of many celebrated architects, including the genius architect Antoni Gaudí whose masterpieces can be spotted all over the city, and whose legacy is still felt today. 巴塞羅那是多個著名建築師一展所長的地方,其中以高廸(Antoni Gaudí)的影響力最為深遠,其代表作散佈巴塞羅那多個角落。 While they may appear to break all conventions and exist only in the land of fantasies, Gaudí’s designs also have real practicality in mind. Inspired by his observations on nature and own talent, Gaudí’s designs were sought after by those from the upper echelons of the Barcelona society who were intent on displaying their wealth and distinctive tastes through architecture. The prosperous times at the turn of the 20th century has thus made for architects like Gaudí to showcase their abilities to the fullest. 高廸的建築設計,打破傳統框框,把實用性揉合在無窮的相像力中,除了是出自其天份和對大自然的觀察外,十九世紀未巴塞羅那的環境也成就了他,那時巴塞羅那經濟蓬勃,造就了不少追求品味和新異的富貴人家,他們都樂意聘用名建築師為他們設計獨特的建築。 Some of Gaudí’s most well-known creations are located along the Passeig de Gràcia, like the Casa Batlló which w...