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Barcelona de Gaudí 巴塞羅那——高廸篇

Barcelona is the playground of many celebrated architects, including the genius architect Antoni Gaudí whose masterpieces can be spotted all over the city, and whose legacy is still felt today.

巴塞羅那是多個著名建築師一展所長的地方,其中以高廸(Antoni Gaudí)的影響力最為深遠,其代表作散佈巴塞羅那多個角落。

While they may appear to break all conventions and exist only in the land of fantasies, Gaudí’s designs also have real practicality in mind. Inspired by his observations on nature and own talent, Gaudí’s designs were sought after by those from the upper echelons of the Barcelona society who were intent on displaying their wealth and distinctive tastes through architecture. The prosperous times at the turn of the 20th century has thus made for architects like Gaudí to showcase their abilities to the fullest.


Some of Gaudí’s most well-known creations are located along the Passeig de Gràcia, like the Casa Batlló which was redeveloped and renovated for the family of Batlló in the late 19th century. The façade with its windows and balconies was just a taste of what to see inside the building. The interior, from the floor to the ceiling and the walls, resembled an underwater world through the décor and the choice of colours.

位於Passeig de Gràcia的巴特由之家(Casa Batlló)便是其中一例,該幢樓房由巴特由出資,聘請高廸為其翻新,從街上觀其窗戶和陽台已可看出高廸與眾不同的風格,裡面更是個屬於幻想的世界,不論地版、天花和牆壁,都滲入了海洋世界的元素。

Casa Batlló and its characteristic windows

The design of the fire place (left) and the ceiling in the main hall (right) drew on elements of sea shells.

The wavy walls and floor of the court yard

The brightly-lid central atrium and its choice of blue colour for the sea

The rooms (left) and corridors (right) of the top floor with the characteristic arches

Chimneys at the roof 天台上的煙囱

Just a stone’s throw away is another Gaudí’s famous building of Casa Milà, also known as La Pedrera (meaning quarry in Catalan), which used to be a private residential building of the wealthy industrialist called Milà. One floor of the building now houses a display of a typical household from the 1920s. While there may not be so much flair in the interior design, Casa Milà has kept some of the same principles as Casa Batlló, including the replacement of vertical columns by curved supports, and an atrium in the centre of the building for ventilation and lighting the interiors.

同一條街,離巴特由之家不遠,是高廸的另一代表作——米拉之家(Casa Milà,又稱La Pedrera,卡泰隆語作礦場),該幢大廈從前是屬於富商米拉的私人住宅,室內其中一層陳列了1920年代的家居用品和佈置,設計較為平實,但和巴特由之家一脈相承,就是室內全無樑柱,全靠拱形支撐,樓宇中央有個大天井,用以通風和透光。

What does Casa Milà remind you of?

Living in the 1920s 1920年代的生活

More chimneys of fantasy

Another central atrium used for lighting

Cool views from the roof: Passeig de Gràcia (left) and the cathedral of La Sagrada Familia (right)
天台上俯視Passeig de Gràcia(左)和遠望聖家大教堂(右)

A devout Catholic, Gaudí devoted the latter half on his life in constructing the cathedral of La Sagrada Família (Holy Family). This project has taken a long time and is still taking its shape as we speak! It will most likely require at least another 10 years till completion, and is quite possibly the last cathedral being constructed during our live time. No surprise, therefore, that parts of the cathedral still resembled more of a construction site. The basement of the cathedral is home to a workshop where models for the various parts of the cathedral were put together for in-depth studies before their eventual construction.

高廸篤信天主教,下半生潛心於興建聖家大教堂(La Sagrada Família),那教堂不祇未能於有生之年竣工,到今時今日還在施工,相信要最少十多年才能完成,亦可能是世上興建的最後一座大教堂,所以大教堂基本上跟工地無異。教堂的地窖有個工場,專家按圖則,把教堂不同部分以模型構建,深入研究後,才會開始動工。

La Sagrada Família from the back

Sculptures and decorations at the front entrance

Inside the cathedral

The cathedral is still under construction!

The master plan of La Sagrada Família

The workshop (top left) producing many models of the cathedral

The catenary shape featured frequently in Gaudí's works

Josep Maria Bocabella, the founder of La Sagrada Família 聖家大教堂的創立人Josep Maria Bocabella

It was possible to take a lift to the roof to see the many spires of the cathedral (left and centre), then work down the spiralling staircase (right).

A bit farther out from the city centre is Parc Güell, an unsuccessful property development venture by Güell later turned into a public park with the help of Gaudí. The park is built on a hill, and its main focal point is the main terrace which is surrounded by a serpentine bench covered by a colourful mosaic of ceramic tiles. The terrace rests on a series of columns which form an undercover hall. The two houses (Los pabellones) at the entrance closest to the terrace resembled gingerbread houses, while the stairway linking the entrance with the terrace was decorated with various mythical sculptures. Such a surreal setting is so unmistakably Gaudí! The highest point in the park is a mound with three crucifixes (Turó de les Tres Creus) where a panoramic view of Barcelona can be easily enjoyed.

離市中心稍遠的桂爾公園(Parc Güell),本來是商人桂爾的房地產項目,但乏人問津而改建成公園。公園依山而建,焦點所在就是公園中央的廣場,廣場被波浪形、鋪砌了五顏六色碎瓦片的椅包圍,由下面的一列柱支撐,最接近廣場的出入口有兩座像薑餅屋的小屋,廣場和出入口之間的三段梯級,每段中央的噴水池各有不同主題的雕塑,整個景觀看來有點光怪陸離,正是高廸的特色!公國的最高點,有個豎了三個十字架的小丘(Turó de les Tres Creus),是俯瞰全城的好地方。

The road leading uphill to Parc Güell

The viaducts inside the park

The main terrace 中央廣場

The wavy mosaic bench 色彩繽紛的彎曲椅

The hall (Sala Hipóstila) underneath the terrace

Along the staircase from the main terrace

The two houses (Los pabellones = pavilions) at the bottom of the staircase

La Torre Rosa, former residence of Gaudí and now a museum

The highest point of Parc Güell, the Turó de les Tres Creus

Views of Barcelona from Turó de les Tres Creus (also see the video clip below)

While tourists like me would be most impressed by the views of the park, the nearby residents were probably quite sick of the sights of tourists! They were hoping that some of us would get the message from their banner on the roof, but I thought most of us tourists would end up recommending yet more people to visit the park. It was simply too good to miss!


Apart from the tourist crowd, Parc Güell also attracted a large number of school groups, some of which were there to learn the architectural splendour of Gaudí the master. It’s so lucky of these young kids that they get learn about the good stuff so early on in their lives – and perhaps I was witnessing a future Gaudí in the making!



dino said…
在網上查閱"德國旅遊", 剛巧遇上這個blog.

感覺你這位在異鄉的香港人, 很親切, 謝謝你的分享 ^^
GK said…
Subtropicalboy said…
Simply amazing!

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