Yesterday when I had a short break at 16:00, I looked out to the backyard and discovered a swarm of bees hovering around the bushes! It was dazzling to see a whole lot of brown little bombers flying randomly and making a noise that was more like a humming engine than the normal buzz. 昨天下午四點休息時,望出後花園,但見一群蜜蜂在樹叢中漫天飛舞,咖啡色一點點的,轟轟作響,彷如一堆小型轟作機籠罩着置花園的草坪和花草,看得人眼花瞭亂。 After some time, the bees settled on a bush, forming a swollen mass of moving bodies on one of the branches. 過了不久,那群蜜蜂逐漸聚在一棵樹上,遠看好像是樹枝結了一塊厚厚的疤。 An hour or so has passed when everything seemed to have quietened down, but out of the blue the bees started moving again and resettled on a chunky branch of another bush. It was to be their resting place for a while yet. 就這樣靜止了個多小時,那群蜂突然全體搬遷,飛到另一株樹再次聚集,依付在一條較粗的樹枝,形成新據點。 As one of our neighbours keeps bees, we naturally thought that the bees were his and hoped that he would help us deal with the problem. I looked for him before dinner without success, and tried again after dinner. He told me...