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Showing posts from April 4, 2008

Going East in Easter (2) - Dubrovnik 復活節東征(2)—— 杜布羅夫尼克

From Zagreb, we embarked on the next part of our blitz through Croatia with an overnight bus to the Southern seaside city of Dubrovnik. As we were picked up to the Old Town from the bus terminus, we were already deeply impressed by the façade of stone wall and fortress, and we couldn't wait to see what it's all about. 在薩格勒布玩了第一天後,當晚馬不停蹄,乘過夜客車出發往克羅地亞南部海濱城市杜布羅夫尼克(Dubrovnik),抵達當地的客車站後由旅店老闆載我們一程往舊城區,臨進舊城時,已被矗立的石城牆和堡壘深深吸引,恨不得馬上下車看個究竟。 Dubrovnik must have been very well guarded and protected throughout history. The town itself was surrounded by two layers of very solid stone walls, while fortresses were erected at various points to overlook the town or the nearby waters. The meticulous defence planning and fortifications of the structures could not escape the eyes and minds of anyone even on a casual walk and look through the places. 杜布羅夫尼克昔時想必是牢不可破之城,全城由兩層堅固的石城牆重重包圍,沿着城牆及離城不遠處又處置多座堡壘,居高臨下監察及保衛全城和鄰近水域,遊畢全城後不得不讚嘆這些設施的建築精良兼穩固,佈陣也顯然便於防衛。 We started off at a leisurely pace through the m...