Melbourne's winter days are generally dull and grey, and even when it's sunny the day is short and it gets dark early. That's when I particularly miss the days of watching sunset. 墨爾本的冬天,普遍陰陰沉沉,就算整天出太陽,晝短夜長,甫下班天色便轉黑,所以便會想念看日落的日子。 There's a simple reason for my fascination with sunsets: it's actually a rare commodity in Melbourne! Contrary to the popular impression of a sun-drenched country, Melbourne's weather tends more towards the cloudy side, and strings of sunny days only occur about 5 to 6 times in the second half of the year. Better runs of weather can be found in the first half of the year, spanning a good part of summer (January to early March) and autumn (mid-March to end of May), and when the weather condition looks right it stokes my interest to catch the sunset. 在墨爾本特別喜歡看日落的原因,簡而言之是物以罕為貴:有別於一般人對澳洲陽光充沛的印象,墨爾本天色偏陰,尤其是想找一連幾天放晴的日子,下半年大概只有五六次左右吧。待上半年入夏(1至3月初)及秋天(3月中至5月底)天氣一般較好,有興緻時便會想去海邊看日落。 Half Moon Bay, Black Rock Mordi...