I live on the fringe of the City of Munich, close to woodland and fields, including a strawberry field. As the strawberries come into season, many people are out in force to pick them from the field. 我家位處慕尼黑市邊錘,附近有一片樹林及幾片田野,其中是一片紅草莓園,近一個月紅草莓逐漸成熟,便吸引不少人前往採摘。 The best things about picking strawberries from the field are that you can eat during picking and choose only the best ones to buy. Freshness and sweetness are absolutely guaranteed! 自採草莓,可邊採邊吃,擇優而買,保證顆顆令人滿意! It's too easy to pick too many strawberries when so many of them look really irresistable, and it's impossible to eat them all. How should one make use of them? Lately the supermarkets are running promotions of gelling sugar, which is most suitable for making jams. It's actually quite straightforward to make strawberry jam just by following the instructions on the packet. First, wash the strawberries and dice them up. Then put in the sugar and crush the strawberries. (The ratio of sugar to strawberries will depend o...