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Showing posts from September 12, 2008

The Hungarian Capital Trinity (2) 「三合一」首都(2)

Our long weekend in Hungary turned into a mini workplace outing. On our second day in Budapest, a few more colleagues have arrived and we all met at the Parliament building wanting to join the official guided tour. 我和中國同事在匈牙利的那個長週未,實驗室也彷彿跟我們搬了過去!在布達佩斯的第二天,一眾來度假的同事齊集在國會大樓外,準備參加指定的導遊團。 Some of us were not lucky enough to get a ticket for the earliest tour, so we had to find a way to kill time. At first I suggested to a Japanese colleague that we could go to the Central Market Hall (Nagyvásárcsarnok) together, but we got side-tracked at the Széchenyí Lánchíd (Chain Bridge). The traffic on the bridge had all but disappeared and was replaced by an arts and craft market. One of the stall owners told me that this arts and craft market was open on all weekends during summer time. 不過並非人人都買到當日第一團的入場券,等待下一團之時間總得想辦法打發,原定打算跟日本同事同往大市場(Nagyvásárcsarnok),但走到鏈橋(Széchenyí Lánchíd)時,發覺該橋搖身一變,由車水馬龍的行車橋變為手工藝市集,那裡其中一個檔主告訴我,該市集原來在夏季時逢週未都在鏈橋上開設。 The arts and craft market on Széchenyí Lánchíd 鏈橋上的手工藝市集 Taking ...