Our long weekend in Hungary turned into a mini workplace outing. On our second day in Budapest, a few more colleagues have arrived and we all met at the Parliament building wanting to join the official guided tour.
Some of us were not lucky enough to get a ticket for the earliest tour, so we had to find a way to kill time. At first I suggested to a Japanese colleague that we could go to the Central Market Hall (Nagyvásárcsarnok) together, but we got side-tracked at the Széchenyí Lánchíd (Chain Bridge). The traffic on the bridge had all but disappeared and was replaced by an arts and craft market. One of the stall owners told me that this arts and craft market was open on all weekends during summer time.
不過並非人人都買到當日第一團的入場券,等待下一團之時間總得想辦法打發,原定打算跟日本同事同往大市場(Nagyvásárcsarnok),但走到鏈橋(Széchenyí Lánchíd)時,發覺該橋搖身一變,由車水馬龍的行車橋變為手工藝市集,那裡其中一個檔主告訴我,該市集原來在夏季時逢週未都在鏈橋上開設。

The arts and craft market on Széchenyí Lánchíd

Taking the stage 哪個舞台較適合你?
There was enough to see and tempt us to loosen our purse strings. We had little problem passing time until our turn to visit the Parliament.
Inside the Parliament, we were taken through the steps leading to the central dome hall (96 metres high), followed by the north parlour and finally the adjoining parliament chamber. The Parliament building, with its north-south symmetrical design, was originally intended for a bicameral system (i.e. two houses of parliament) but after 1944 Hungary has abolished the upper chamber. The northern wing of the parliament, which used to be the seat of the upper chamber, is now mainly for international or parliamentary committee meetings.

Views of the parliament 國會外貌

A model of the parliament made from matches

The 96 steps leading to the parliamentary chambers

The central dome hall (left) and the royal crown exhibited in the centre of the hall (right)

The parlour leading to the parliament chamber
Leave your cigars before entering the parliament chamber!
(Back in the days when smoking was still allowed inside the building, the length of the cigar remaining on the rack was taken as an indication of the length and quality of a politician's speech. Hence there's an Hungarian saying that a good speech is worth a Havana!)

The parliament chamber (left) and one of the corridors outside (right)
Afterwards, one of our Hungarian colleagues took me and my Chinese colleague to Pál-völgyi Cave (Pál-völgyi Barlang) in the hills of the Buda part of the city. The verdure and the hilly terrain almost made us forget that we were still within the Budapest city area and that we weren’t really too far away from the city centre!
(Photo from my Chinese friend 相片由中國同事攝)
There are quite a lot of caves scattered across Hungary, and caving was quite popular among some people. The Pál-völgyi Cave encompasses an interconnected network totalling 19 km. Visitors were only allowed through a 1/2 km section but it seemed to stretch on for much longer! The interior of the cave was a lot cooler than the outside (the temperature was about 10 °C) and a lot more humid as the handrails felt damp everywhere. Be sure to hold on to the handrails as the tour guide will constantly remind visitors not to touch the walls of the caves. This is because the oil from our fingers will remain after touching, and it will prevent water from dripping and thus carrying the nutrients to the microbes whose growth is reliant on it. The microbes can only grow 1 to 2 cm every one hundred years! They were everywhere in the cave and looked like a heap of caramel or chocolate cream.

The first chamber upon entry, featuring burnt spots from the first explorers (left) and the 'organ pipe' in the wall (right)

This cave is inhabited by 'animals', including a crocodile, scorpion (among many others in the left picture) and a turtle (right)

Memorial for one of Hungary's famous cave explorers, László Lakatos
紀念匈牙利一個著名的洞穴探索家László Lakatos

The theatre chamber

The stone of justice - it's supposed to fall on those who have cheated against their partners!

Interesting stone formations 奇形怪石

The narrow and sometimes steep passages 窄而時陡的通道

Fossil of a sea shell from 40 million years ago

The Fable Chamber with the 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves' (left, the tallest stone is Snow White)

More interesting rock formations, sometimes coated with microbes (right)
Then it was time to pay a visit to a well-known Budapest establishment of thermal baths. This city is blessed with a natural source of underground thermal water, which is also responsible for the formation of the cave system millions of years ago due to geological activities, and the water is harnessed for the myriad of thermal baths around town. We went to one of the more popular places called the Gellért Gyógyfurdő (Gellert Spa Baths), right opposite to the cave church of Gellérthegy. The classical interior décor was still well preserved in contrast to the utilitarian design of most modern swimming pools, and I was pleasantly surprised by the classy private cabins in the change room. (You can tell that I have never set foot into an exclusive resort in my life!)

Out of the water, I joined my other work colleagues for a dinner around the corner from the spa baths. Our meal kept with the water theme as most of us ordered fish dishes of one kind or the other. The restaurant offered a good variety of fish dishes, which surprised me somewhat as I would not have associated Hungarian cuisine with fish. But I guess the many rivers that run through the country and the lake of Balaton have compensated for the distance from the sea.

The famous Hungarian fisherman's soup (Halászlé, on the left) and catfish paprikash (right)
Sunday morning (our last day) began with a leisurely stroll through the City Park (Városliget), very fitting with the tranquil atmosphere at that time. Soon we reached the castle complex of Vajdahunyad Vára which now houses the agricultural museum and a church.
星期日早上(最後一天)四周都很安寧,正好襯托我們閒逛城市公園(Városliget)的逸致,不久便來到Vajdahunyad Vára城堡群,現在是農業博物館和一所教堂的所在地。

The agriculture museum (left) and the churches (centre and right) in the Vajdahunyad Vára complex
Vajdahunyad Vára城堡的農業博物館(左)和教堂(中、右)

This queen is very popular with visitors!

The gates of Vajdahunyad Vára
Vajdahunyad Vára 的城門
Walking through the gate of the castle, we came to the Hősök Tere (the Square of Heroes) which commemorates some of the most important personalities in Hungarian history and serves as a war memorial.
穿過城堡群的城門,我們走到敞大的英雄廣場(Hősök Tere),廣場紀念的包括匈牙利史上的重要人物和歷年來為國捐軀的人。

The Hősök Tere was flanked by the Art Gallery on one side and the Museum of Fine Arts on another. My Chinese friend and I visited the Egyptian Renaissance exhibition in the latter as well as its permanent exhibitions. The museum seems to have a good collection of ancient Egyptian artefacts already in their permanent exhibition which excited my Chinese friend quite a lot! Even if the exhibits don’t interest you, the grandeur of the building itself will be impressive enough.

Museum of Fine Arts

Majesty and charm of this classical Museum building (photos of my Chinese friend)
From the Museum, we took the Andrássy út (Andrássy Avenue) which runs from the Hősök Tere to the city centre. The layout looked somewhat like Champs-Élysées but we both found the street a bit bland. Perhaps we don’t have the knowledge and the mood to appreciate the supposedly varied architectural styles along the street.
從藝術博物館出來,我倆走經連接英雄廣場和市中心的安德拉什大街(Andrássy út),街道的佈局驟眼看來有點像巴黎的香榭麗舍大道,但兩旁看來沒甚麼特色,大概是我們不懂或沒有興緻欣賞吧。

Andrássy út lined by trees

One quarter of the circular complex of buildings at Kodály Körönd on Andrássy út
安德拉什大街途中經過Kodály Körönd四幢弧形大廈之一
We thought it would be easy to find a place for lunch in that part of the city but weren’t very successful. We decided to head back to the area near the Central Market Hall, and ended up in a street lined with restaurants. We settled for one of those and had an enjoyable lunch as the bright red ‘strawberry soup’ lifted our moods and appetite. It was certainly an interesting way of turning a fruit into a proper dish!

The paintings outside a restaurant near Andrássy út

The strawberry soup (left) and a roast goose leg (right) for lunch!
午餐的紅草莓湯 (左)和烤鵝腿(右)
Our last destination before leaving Budapest was the Margit-Sziget (Margaret Island). The whole island is now basically one big park full of joggers, cyclists and sports players, a far cry from the yesteryears when it has been the royal hunting ground and the site of a convent. The only reminder of its history lay in the ruins of the convent which was never rebuilt after destruction by a war against the invading Turkish troops so many years ago.

The view of Margit-Sziget from the bridge that links it to both sides of the Danube (the Margit-híd)

The entrance to Margit-Sziget

The Viztorony (Water Tower, left) towards the other end of the island and the theatre at the foot of the tower (right)

Ruins of the convent

The view of the Margit-híd bridge and the parliament (behind the bridge) from Margit-Sziget
Three days with so much to see and do around Budapest without the feeling of being rushed and large crowds of tourists – get there before everyone else realises what Budapest has to offer!
Some of us were not lucky enough to get a ticket for the earliest tour, so we had to find a way to kill time. At first I suggested to a Japanese colleague that we could go to the Central Market Hall (Nagyvásárcsarnok) together, but we got side-tracked at the Széchenyí Lánchíd (Chain Bridge). The traffic on the bridge had all but disappeared and was replaced by an arts and craft market. One of the stall owners told me that this arts and craft market was open on all weekends during summer time.
不過並非人人都買到當日第一團的入場券,等待下一團之時間總得想辦法打發,原定打算跟日本同事同往大市場(Nagyvásárcsarnok),但走到鏈橋(Széchenyí Lánchíd)時,發覺該橋搖身一變,由車水馬龍的行車橋變為手工藝市集,那裡其中一個檔主告訴我,該市集原來在夏季時逢週未都在鏈橋上開設。
The arts and craft market on Széchenyí Lánchíd
Taking the stage 哪個舞台較適合你?
There was enough to see and tempt us to loosen our purse strings. We had little problem passing time until our turn to visit the Parliament.
Inside the Parliament, we were taken through the steps leading to the central dome hall (96 metres high), followed by the north parlour and finally the adjoining parliament chamber. The Parliament building, with its north-south symmetrical design, was originally intended for a bicameral system (i.e. two houses of parliament) but after 1944 Hungary has abolished the upper chamber. The northern wing of the parliament, which used to be the seat of the upper chamber, is now mainly for international or parliamentary committee meetings.
Views of the parliament 國會外貌
A model of the parliament made from matches
The 96 steps leading to the parliamentary chambers
The central dome hall (left) and the royal crown exhibited in the centre of the hall (right)
The parlour leading to the parliament chamber
(Back in the days when smoking was still allowed inside the building, the length of the cigar remaining on the rack was taken as an indication of the length and quality of a politician's speech. Hence there's an Hungarian saying that a good speech is worth a Havana!)
The parliament chamber (left) and one of the corridors outside (right)
(Photo from my Chinese friend 相片由中國同事攝)
There are quite a lot of caves scattered across Hungary, and caving was quite popular among some people. The Pál-völgyi Cave encompasses an interconnected network totalling 19 km. Visitors were only allowed through a 1/2 km section but it seemed to stretch on for much longer! The interior of the cave was a lot cooler than the outside (the temperature was about 10 °C) and a lot more humid as the handrails felt damp everywhere. Be sure to hold on to the handrails as the tour guide will constantly remind visitors not to touch the walls of the caves. This is because the oil from our fingers will remain after touching, and it will prevent water from dripping and thus carrying the nutrients to the microbes whose growth is reliant on it. The microbes can only grow 1 to 2 cm every one hundred years! They were everywhere in the cave and looked like a heap of caramel or chocolate cream.
The first chamber upon entry, featuring burnt spots from the first explorers (left) and the 'organ pipe' in the wall (right)
This cave is inhabited by 'animals', including a crocodile, scorpion (among many others in the left picture) and a turtle (right)
Memorial for one of Hungary's famous cave explorers, László Lakatos
紀念匈牙利一個著名的洞穴探索家László Lakatos
The theatre chamber
The stone of justice - it's supposed to fall on those who have cheated against their partners!
Interesting stone formations 奇形怪石
The narrow and sometimes steep passages 窄而時陡的通道
Fossil of a sea shell from 40 million years ago
The Fable Chamber with the 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves' (left, the tallest stone is Snow White)
More interesting rock formations, sometimes coated with microbes (right)
Then it was time to pay a visit to a well-known Budapest establishment of thermal baths. This city is blessed with a natural source of underground thermal water, which is also responsible for the formation of the cave system millions of years ago due to geological activities, and the water is harnessed for the myriad of thermal baths around town. We went to one of the more popular places called the Gellért Gyógyfurdő (Gellert Spa Baths), right opposite to the cave church of Gellérthegy. The classical interior décor was still well preserved in contrast to the utilitarian design of most modern swimming pools, and I was pleasantly surprised by the classy private cabins in the change room. (You can tell that I have never set foot into an exclusive resort in my life!)
Out of the water, I joined my other work colleagues for a dinner around the corner from the spa baths. Our meal kept with the water theme as most of us ordered fish dishes of one kind or the other. The restaurant offered a good variety of fish dishes, which surprised me somewhat as I would not have associated Hungarian cuisine with fish. But I guess the many rivers that run through the country and the lake of Balaton have compensated for the distance from the sea.
The famous Hungarian fisherman's soup (Halászlé, on the left) and catfish paprikash (right)
Sunday morning (our last day) began with a leisurely stroll through the City Park (Városliget), very fitting with the tranquil atmosphere at that time. Soon we reached the castle complex of Vajdahunyad Vára which now houses the agricultural museum and a church.
星期日早上(最後一天)四周都很安寧,正好襯托我們閒逛城市公園(Városliget)的逸致,不久便來到Vajdahunyad Vára城堡群,現在是農業博物館和一所教堂的所在地。
The agriculture museum (left) and the churches (centre and right) in the Vajdahunyad Vára complex
Vajdahunyad Vára城堡的農業博物館(左)和教堂(中、右)
This queen is very popular with visitors!
The gates of Vajdahunyad Vára
Vajdahunyad Vára 的城門
Walking through the gate of the castle, we came to the Hősök Tere (the Square of Heroes) which commemorates some of the most important personalities in Hungarian history and serves as a war memorial.
穿過城堡群的城門,我們走到敞大的英雄廣場(Hősök Tere),廣場紀念的包括匈牙利史上的重要人物和歷年來為國捐軀的人。
The Hősök Tere was flanked by the Art Gallery on one side and the Museum of Fine Arts on another. My Chinese friend and I visited the Egyptian Renaissance exhibition in the latter as well as its permanent exhibitions. The museum seems to have a good collection of ancient Egyptian artefacts already in their permanent exhibition which excited my Chinese friend quite a lot! Even if the exhibits don’t interest you, the grandeur of the building itself will be impressive enough.
Museum of Fine Arts
Majesty and charm of this classical Museum building (photos of my Chinese friend)
From the Museum, we took the Andrássy út (Andrássy Avenue) which runs from the Hősök Tere to the city centre. The layout looked somewhat like Champs-Élysées but we both found the street a bit bland. Perhaps we don’t have the knowledge and the mood to appreciate the supposedly varied architectural styles along the street.
從藝術博物館出來,我倆走經連接英雄廣場和市中心的安德拉什大街(Andrássy út),街道的佈局驟眼看來有點像巴黎的香榭麗舍大道,但兩旁看來沒甚麼特色,大概是我們不懂或沒有興緻欣賞吧。
Andrássy út lined by trees
One quarter of the circular complex of buildings at Kodály Körönd on Andrássy út
安德拉什大街途中經過Kodály Körönd四幢弧形大廈之一
We thought it would be easy to find a place for lunch in that part of the city but weren’t very successful. We decided to head back to the area near the Central Market Hall, and ended up in a street lined with restaurants. We settled for one of those and had an enjoyable lunch as the bright red ‘strawberry soup’ lifted our moods and appetite. It was certainly an interesting way of turning a fruit into a proper dish!
The paintings outside a restaurant near Andrássy út
The strawberry soup (left) and a roast goose leg (right) for lunch!
午餐的紅草莓湯 (左)和烤鵝腿(右)
Our last destination before leaving Budapest was the Margit-Sziget (Margaret Island). The whole island is now basically one big park full of joggers, cyclists and sports players, a far cry from the yesteryears when it has been the royal hunting ground and the site of a convent. The only reminder of its history lay in the ruins of the convent which was never rebuilt after destruction by a war against the invading Turkish troops so many years ago.
The view of Margit-Sziget from the bridge that links it to both sides of the Danube (the Margit-híd)
The entrance to Margit-Sziget
The Viztorony (Water Tower, left) towards the other end of the island and the theatre at the foot of the tower (right)
Ruins of the convent
The view of the Margit-híd bridge and the parliament (behind the bridge) from Margit-Sziget
Three days with so much to see and do around Budapest without the feeling of being rushed and large crowds of tourists – get there before everyone else realises what Budapest has to offer!