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Showing posts from December 19, 2021

Counting down to Christmas in Australia 澳洲迎聖誕

The lead-up to Christmas in Australia is a rather quiet affair. 習慣了香港聖誕的五光十色的聖誕(今年聖誕前還新增一場「五光十色」的選舉),澳洲的聖誕真的平淡得多。 For a start, Christmas music is in short supply in public places as most places still stick to selections of pop songs from 10 to 30 years ago. Perhaps not having a separate playlist makes shop owners' lives easier! 這個時候香港到處播聖誕(和某鏡團12人及個別隊員)歌,也許大家已聽得耳熟能詳甚至生厭,要是聽厭了,建議你馬上來澳洲,保證馬上耳根清靜,因為商店就算播音樂,大多會播近10至30年的英文流行曲,聽不懂或沒興趣的大可當作耳邊風。 Christmas decorations are also on the simple side or even lacking - even in shopping centres in the middle of town like Melbourne Central. Perhaps the protracted lockdown has reduced revenues so much that there is really no money or mood to be festive. 澳洲的聖誕裝飾,絕對沒有香港或歐洲那種琳琅滿目,甚至連市中心的黃金地段也會欠奉,例如墨爾本市中心的Melbourne Central商場今年一丁點裝飾都沒有,也許是因為今年封城大久影響收入所以沒錢也沒心思搞氣氛吧! A rare elaborate Christmas display in a shopping centre  少數較有亮點的高商場佈置 There are still some spots in Melbourne's city centre where the Christmas feels alive. The windows of the Myer ...