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Showing posts from May 20, 2022

Appreciating flowers - and life 賞花的隨想

Heading towards the end of autumn, May in Melbourne is not only the time for red and golden autumn leaves but, somewhat expectedly, for blooming flowers too. It may be hard to get one's head around this for those from Europe or Hong Kong, and even for me despite having lived in Melbourne for so many years - somehow I have been rather oblivious to this natural phenomenon! 五月深秋在墨爾本,除了通紅和金黃的樹葉,還有花可以觀賞,對在歐洲和香港生活過的我來說,是頗新奇的景象——雖然我在澳洲生活也有多年,我卻一直忽略了。 The roses have definitely taken me by surprise, as I have always expected them to flower only in spring and summer. They put on another good show in autumn that can rival the earlier seasons! 尤其是玫瑰,我一直以為只會在春夏綻放,但原來踏入深秋仍不欺場,更可和春天盛開的景況媲美,令人喜出望外! Thankfully I managed to capture the best moment for this bush, because a bout of overnight rain and wind reduced many flowers to petals, leaving the bush in a rather desolate state the next day. Good times don't always last, but I also didn't expect it to be so whimsical ...