In a year when Europe has experienced the warmest November in several hundred years, and newspaper headlines were exclaiming 'The Alps are sweating!' it is perhaps not a surprise that this winter has not really made its presence felt. It finally made an appearance when my friend arrived from Hong Kong. After all, he came to Europe at this time of the year to expect something! 今年歐洲經歷了數百年來最暖的十一月,報紙頭條標題也高呼:「阿爾卑斯山流大汗了!」怪不得入冬以來甚無冬意,直至有朋友從香港來後,冬天才終於露面,好讓他有個真實點的感受! 25 December, 2006 2006年12月25日 My friend and I were hiking in the woods of Philosophers' Walk in Heidelberg, when we spotted some pretty frosts dangling from and between tree branches. We wondered how some of them could take up curvy shapes - perhaps there was enough water hanging on old spider webs before it all froze. 我和朋友在海德堡哲學家徑散步時,在山林間發現樹掛,有些還是曲線形,大概是聚在舊蜘蛛網的水份多,全都結冰後便成了這個樣子。 26 December, 2006 2006年12 月26日 We were back in Munich and went to visit the Nymphenburg Castle. 回到慕尼黑後,我們前往寧芬堡城堡參觀。 A big part of the canal i...