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Showing posts from March 27, 2010

Summer memories and reminiscences 懷緬夏日,懷緬過去

The once-in-a-century storm at the start of March in Melbourne has almost ushered the end of summer, but fortunately the fond memories of summer have not been totally blown away. 三月初墨爾本的一場世紀狂風暴雨,差點把夏天打得落慌而逃,幸好夏日的回憶仍未被風雨徹底吹散和沖洗。 These memories are not confined to only this summer, but also include my reminiscences of the bygone days in Europe. 這些回憶不止於這個夏天,還包括我藉此緬懷歐洲零零星星的片段。 Not long after I came back from Hong Kong in early January, my family and I went for strawberry picking in the Mornington Peninsula just south of Melbourne. While there was a strawberry field just a stone’s throw away back in where I lived in Munich, this strawberry field in Mornington was a good 77 km from home in Melbourne! It was a fair drive, and we decided to break it up by stopping over in the seaside town of Dromana for lunch and the fresh breeze by its beach. 一月初剛從香港回來不久,我和一家人一同到墨爾本以南的摩寧頓半島(Mornington Peninsula)採紅草莓。從前在德國慕尼黑,紅草莓田近在咫尺,但摩寧頓半島的紅草莓園,離家足足77公里,去一趟採紅草莓就有如郊遊,而且因為車程長,我們中途也得在一個海濱小鎮Dromana稍事休息,吃頓中午飯和在海灘...