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Showing posts from April 23, 2022

A golden Saturday away 留一天與太太喘息

April is a good time for the great outdoors. My wife and I were keen to explore somewhere new and thus visited Warrandyte on the fringes of Melbourne, for the State Park and a winery there. 4月是郊遊的好時光,我和太太趁機發掘新去處。9日那天我們到市區邊陲、開始帶點郊外氣息的Warrandyte區的州立公園和一家酒莊一遊。 There are actually four parts to Warrandyte State Park. We went to the part which was a gold mine in the 19th century and was the first site of gold discovery in Victoria, although it did not end up with the same level of fame as the other gold rush towns of Ballarat and Bendigo. The park has preserved some relics from the mining days, including the Geraghty's Tunnel whose entrance is still open for a small section. Warrandyte State Park州立公園其實分四部份,我們郊遊的部份,前身是金礦場,而且是維多利亞州首個發現金礦之地,雖然沒有後來的淘金城鎮巴拉瑞特Ballarat和本迪戈Bendigo那麼有名,但也算在維州淘金史中佔一席位。公園保留了些採礦的遺跡,包括一個仍開放一小段的Geraghty's Tunnel礦洞,鑽進去再出來時不期然令我想起鏡仔Ian新歌《留一天與你喘息》的 MV 在 馬鞍山礦場 的片段,所以後來太太撿石頭留念時,我也打趣學MV中女主角的開場白說「石頭係有生命嘅」(石頭是有生命的)。 Geraghty's Tunnel ...