Hong Kong’s winter doesn’t seem so threatening at first glance of the numbers, but those numbers belie how the weather actually feels. 香港的冬天,數字上看來比不少國家溫和,實際上的感覺卻是另一回事。 A cold spell arrived on Sunday last week and brought 4 successive grey chilly days afterwards with daytime maximum temperature struggling to make it to 10 degrees in the urban area. My second hometown of Melbourne doesn’t even see such a long string of such weather – usually 2 days maximum – in a typical winter despite it being in the southernmost part of the Australian mainland with a latitude of 38°S (Hong Kong is only 22°N). I went home on Thursday evening and was looking forward to a warm home to give me a bit of respite from the 7°C night and its slightly chilly air. But little did I expect a gush of cold air rushing out as soon as I opened the door, and it felt colder than the outside! 上週一至四,一連四天陰陰沉沉,市區最高溫才勉強升至十度,連第二故鄉墨爾本——差不多是澳洲大陸最南端,緯度38度(香港是北緯22度)——這樣的天氣也甚少超過連續兩天啊。星期四晚回家,外面7度,空氣有點冷,想著回到溫暖的家有多好,但甫開家門時卻讓我吃了一驚:...