After my conference in the USA at the end of June, I crossed the border and headed to Toronto for a short break. 六月底出席完在 美國的會議 後,我便飛往鄰國的多倫多放放假。 The Toronto skyline from the top floor (22nd floor) of my hostel 從旅舍最高層22樓望到的多倫多市區景色 My first day there (1st July) happened to be Canada Day, and the Canadians celebrated the occasion with lots of fireworks. Having just arrived there, I decided to go on an adventure to the Woodbine Beach by Lake Ontario following the route given by a hostel staff. I sensed something not quite right when most revellers alighted at the underground station before what I was told, and when I alighted, I checked the map and with station staff and indeed I’ve gone to the wrong place! Fortunately there was still time to find the right route, and I didn’t miss any fireworks after all. 我在多倫多的第一天(7月1日)剛好是加拿大國慶日,不少地方都放煙火助興,我也決定湊湊熱鬧,向旅舍職員問過路線後,便出發往安大略湖畔的Woodbine沙灘。我坐地鐵前往那裡時,但見大部分人都在旅舍職員告訴我的前一站下車,已覺得不對勁,待我下車後,查看地圖又問過地鐵職員,才知道原來被旅舍職員「老點」(指錯地方),幸好時間尚早,還有時間重新找路途...