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Go chasing waterfalls 大城市和大瀑布

After my conference in the USA at the end of June, I crossed the border and headed to Toronto for a short break.

The Toronto skyline from the top floor (22nd floor) of my hostel

My first day there (1st July) happened to be Canada Day, and the Canadians celebrated the occasion with lots of fireworks. Having just arrived there, I decided to go on an adventure to the Woodbine Beach by Lake Ontario following the route given by a hostel staff. I sensed something not quite right when most revellers alighted at the underground station before what I was told, and when I alighted, I checked the map and with station staff and indeed I’ve gone to the wrong place! Fortunately there was still time to find the right route, and I didn’t miss any fireworks after all.

When the fireworks finished I walked along the same road to the underground station and came across Gerrard Street East which had the same name as where my hostel was and had a tram route running. Knowing how the roads in American and Canadian cities often adapt a grid lay-out and how some roads can stretch on for long distances, I quickly checked the route map of the tram and decided to hop on to a waiting tram so that I wouldn’t have to get squeezed in the underground. It turned out to be a good move because the tram took me through an Indian-Pakistani district which has a good number of restaurants and other shops. I went back two evenings later for a meal and looking around the shops there.
煙火表演後,沿著原路走回地鐵站返回旅舍,經過Gerrard Street East,可以坐電車,這條街跟我旅舍所在的街是同一名字,心想美加大城市街道往往形成矩陣,而且街道可以跨相連城市延伸一段長距離,剛好又有電車停站,我便趕快查看電車路線圖,然後馬上上車,免得跟一大班人擠地鐵。沒想到電車會經過多倫多的印度巴基斯坦區,沿路的食肆和商店吸引到我兩晚後重臨吃頓飯和逛逛。

Fashion, Indian style

The restaurant that I visited boasts of catering for up to 2000 people. It's no mean feat if it's true!

The Indian-Pakistani district typifies the make-up of Toronto’s population. Even coming from Australia which has a high number and diversity of migrant population, I was still struck by how many ethnicities and cultures I came across in the streets of Toronto city centre. Another case was the west side of the city where Spadina Avenue was a mix of Chinese and South-East Asian shops and restaurants but one street away it turned into a hippie district. It was indeed a rather interesting blend.
那個印巴區正好是多倫多的縮影,澳洲移民數目和種族之多,我早已司空見慣,但到了多倫多市區,看到更多移民和不同的文化,讓我嘖嘖稱奇。市區西面的Spadina Avenue也是多文化融合的另一例子,這條唐人街一大段都是中國和東南亞商鋪,但隔了一條街便變成得很前衛、嬉皮,與唐人街大異其趣。

Kensington Avenue, one street away from Spadina Avenue, with its funky shops
與Spadina Avenue一街之隔的Kensington Avenue,趣怪商店

The Ontario Parliament (left) with its wooden east wing (centre) and marble west wing (right) - the west wing was originally wooden but rebuilt with marble after a fire

The Gooderham Building in the Historic District 舊城區的Gooderham Building

However as a tourist city, my impression is that Toronto hasn’t got too much to offer and there’s little that one can’t see elsewhere. A trip to the outer islands in Lake Ontario made up for this disappointment to some extent. On a warm sunny day, those islands were filled with people making use of the last day of the Canada Day long weekend. There were plenty of people cycling, swimming, sailing and picnicking everywhere. The islands also offered plenty of vantage points for looking back to Toronto city centre, and to me the feeling was actually somewhat like looking towards Hong Kong Island from the Kowloon side!

Toronto by the lake front 湖畔的多倫多市區

Toronto Island Airport, clearly visible from the lake front

Toronto Island, a place to relax and have fun 多倫多島,消閑和玩樂的好去處

Toronto City's skyline provides a picture-perfect backdrop to the Island!

On my last full day there (4th July) I joined a day tour to the Niagara Falls and the surrounding area. I’ve already had a glimpse of it on board the flight from Boston to Toronto on 1st July, and I couldn’t wait to see how big it would be close up! The Niagara Falls actually consisted of three waterfalls, with one main one and a small one on the American side and another on the Canadian side. The Canadian Horseshoe Falls were the largest of them all, and walking along the cliffs lining the Horseshoe Falls and Niagara River (where the waterfalls descend into) one could already feel the power of the waterfalls through the mist and rumbling sounds of the water flow! I also took the boat that sailed upstream to the foot of the Horseshoe Fall, and that really made everyone feel the full strengths of the current and force of Nature. The Niagara Falls clearly hasn’t lost any of its punch since the melting of the glaciers which gave rise to it millions of years ago!

An aerial view of the Niagara Falls; the upper side is Canadian.

Water flow with such a sweeping force

The American Falls (left) and the Canadian Fall (right)

The Niagara River downstream of the Falls and the Rainbow Bridge linking Canada and the USA

Feel the power!

Now see the Niagara Falls for yourself! 現在讓你感受一下大瀑布!

Afterwards the tour took us to the picturesque historic town of Niagara-on-the-Lake, where the Niagara River met Lake Ontario. It was such a clear day that the skyline of Toronto, more than 60 km away, was still visible from the beach of the town!

More than just tourism - the Niagara River also generates hydroelectricity

From the beach at Niagara-on-the-Lake: Youngstown, NY, USA on the opposite bank of the river (left) and Toronto at afar (right; magnify the photo to see it more clearly)

One of the many pretty old buildings at Niagara-on-the-Lake

Symbol of Canada - in a contrast of two pretty colours

The last stop of the tour was some wine tasting on the way back to Toronto. I have never thought that the Niagara region would be warm enough to grow grapes and produce wine. While the standard white and red wines are nothing spectacular, Canada is quite famous for its ice wine. The freezing winters and its quick onset would allow the snap freezing of grapes and concentration of the sugar in the little juice that would remain in the grapes. Canada is the only country in the world that can produce both red and white ice wines, and of course I took the opportunity to buy one bottle of each, for some sweet memories of my stay in Canada.
行程最後一站是試酒,我一直不知尼亞加拉地區原來氣候夠溫暖可以種葡萄兼釀酒,雖然當地的白酒、紅酒並不是太出色,但葡萄一到冬天會因天氣急速轉冷而結冰,糖份全都濃縮到小量剩餘未結冰的汁液,把汁液提煉出來後便可釀製冰酒(ice wine)。加拿大不祇以出產冰酒為名,還是世界上唯一可以釀紅、白兩種冰酒的地方,所以我也把握機會各買一瓶,為我這個加國之旅留下甜美的回憶。

Vineyards with windmills, the function of which is in fact to disperse the cold air that stays closer to the ground than warmer air!


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