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Showing posts from March 27, 2006

Sights of Munich City 慕尼黑市區景色

Marienplatz and Rathaus (City Hall) - day and night 瑪利亞廣場及市政會堂的日景和夜景 19-03-2006 The figures in the clock tower will dance and rotate like a merry-go-round everyday at 1100, 1200 and 1700 hours, accompanied by ringing bells. 每日11、12及17點,鐘樓內的玩具人物便會隨着鐘聲旋轉起舞。 19-03-2006 Marienplatz (literally, the Square of Mary) is right in front of the Rathaus and is the centrepoint of Munich. 瑪利亞廣場就在市政會堂前面,是慕尼黑的正中心。 25-03-2006 One of the best places for photos at night in Munich. 慕尼黑最佳夜景之一。 City Streets 市區街道 19-03-2006 Sendlinger Tor (Sendling Gate) and Sendlingerstrasse (Sendling Street) Sendling大門及Sendling街 19-03-2006 A church on Sendlingerstrasse Sendling街的一家教堂

Munich off the tourist track 無遊客蹤影的慕尼黑

Come and see what most toursits to Munich miss out on! (Click to enlarge pictures.) 一般遊客看不到的慕尼黑,就由我帶各位見識一下吧!(在相片點擊一下即可放大。) Martinsried/Planegg The suburb/district in which the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (where I am working now) is situated 我工作的研究所(馬普生化研究所)所在之區域 21-03-2006 A small local church 本區一座小教堂 18-03-2006 Planegg town centre Planegg 市中心 24-03-2006 Happy Billiard - a place for billiard and other forms of entertainment, the one and only in Martinsried. See my lab in action at the billiard tables! Martinsried一家名為Happy Billiard的桌球室,亦是區內唯一的娛樂場所,我和同事下班後娛樂一下。 Max Planck Institute 馬普研究所 There are actually 2 institutes on the Martinsried campus, namely biochemistry and neurobiology. Martinsried is in the process of becoming a research hub with the Bavarian Innovation Centre and the 2nd Biology Department of Ludwig-Maximillians University (the top German university) moving into a site opposite to the Max Planck Institute. 此間的馬普研究所,計有生化及神經科學研究所。馬普研究所對面的土地,現建有巴伐利亞創新中心,將來德國最佳大學─Lud...