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Showing posts from November 14, 2006

What flow around in Venice? Water, Tourists and Money 威尼斯的小橋流水人家

I visited Venice for the second time this year, this time with my parents whose last visit was more than 30 years ago. Venice left us with a very lasting impression on several fronts. First of all, Venice is totally free of cars! Everything is done or carried through the extensive network of waterways criss-crossing the city, including private transport, public transport, fire and ambulance services and even FedEx. There’s no need to worry about crossing the roads and watching oncoming traffic! But navigating through Venice is no easy matter, as it is incredibly easy to get lost. Even maps won’t help all the time, because the maps can’t list all the little canals, bridges and the narrow passageways that seem to make unpredictable turns. On the other hand, Venice is the prefect place for hide-and-seek and labyrinths because of this! Tourists are both loved and loathed by the locals. On one hand, there are just too many tourists roaming everywhere in Venice, especially the famous tourist...