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Showing posts from August 29, 2007

Diarios de España (2) 「西」遊記(二)

13th August 8月13日 This was a day with a royal theme. 全日的行程,都環繞馬德里的歷史和皇室。 I started the morning with a stroll along Calle Mayor towards Plaza Mayor (the Big Square). The shops around the square had just started their business by then, and they were selling traditional craft and handiwork, like dolls dressed in traditional costumes from different regions of Spain. 早上沿着Calle Mayor街緩步至大廣場(Plaza Mayor),廣場四邊商店剛剛開門,售賣特色手工藝品及玩意,包括穿著西班牙各地地道服飾的娃娃。 (When I revisited on the morning of the 15th, there were many other stalls selling antique coins, stamps etc., attracting much interest from passers-by.) (到15日早上舊地重遊時,有不少攞賣古錢幣、郵票等的攤位,吸引不少人駐足。) From Plaza Mayor, I criss-crossed the many nearby laneways until I reached Plaza de la Villa (City Square). This is the most ancient square of Madrid, and is the home to the City Hall of Madrid as well as the oldest existing buildings of Madrid dating back 500 to 600 years. 從廣場出來,穿插附近的小巷後,便到了全馬德里最古老的城市廣場(Plaza de la Villa),是馬德里市政府所在地,其對面亦有全市最老的建築物,約有五、六百年歷史了。 ...