After the first two days in Amsterdam, I headed to The Hague (in Dutch: Den Haag or 's-Gravenhage) to meet my Dutchie buddy and his girlfriend. Time to relax and let them take charge of my travels! 在阿姆斯特丹逗留兩天後,我於12月28日前往海牙,與我的荷蘭好友及其女友會合,開展一個由他倆一手安排的行程。 Although everyone knows that Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, the Dutch government is actually seated in The Hague, together with the parliament, royal family and corps diplomatiques. Our first stop in The Hague was at the Binnenhof (Inner Court), where the two chambers of parliament, office of the Prime Minister and various other government offices were located. At the centre of Binnenhof stood the Ridderzaal (Knight's Hall), where the Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands would give the royal speech at the start of each parliamentary year. 雖說阿姆斯特丹是荷蘭首都,海牙卻是荷蘭政府、國會、皇室及各國外交使節所在,而我們前往的第一站——海牙內院(Binnenhof),就包含了國會兩院、總理辦公室及其他政府機關。內院中央是騎士之廳,每年荷蘭女王都會在議會年度開幕時在那裡發表演說。 One of the entrances to Binnenhof 內院的其中一個入口 A panoramic view of...