After the first two days in Amsterdam, I headed to The Hague (in Dutch: Den Haag or 's-Gravenhage) to meet my Dutchie buddy and his girlfriend. Time to relax and let them take charge of my travels!
Although everyone knows that Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, the Dutch government is actually seated in The Hague, together with the parliament, royal family and corps diplomatiques. Our first stop in The Hague was at the Binnenhof (Inner Court), where the two chambers of parliament, office of the Prime Minister and various other government offices were located. At the centre of Binnenhof stood the Ridderzaal (Knight's Hall), where the Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands would give the royal speech at the start of each parliamentary year.

One of the entrances to Binnenhof
A panoramic view of the courtyard inside Binnenhof 內院的廣場
One side of the Binnenhof is the public entrance to the Tweede Kamer (the Second House or Lower House of parliament), while the other side is the Court Lake (Hofvijfer). The Prime Minister's Office overlooks the lake from the corner of a row of buildings by the lake, and can be easily recognised as it looked like a round tower with a steep roof. No surprise then it is called het Torentje (the small tower) in Dutch.

The Tweede Kamer

Het torentje (Office of the Prime Minister) 總理辦公室

The Hofvijfer (Court Lake) 內院小湖

'Where's your dad, Jantje?' - the character of a Dutch nursery rhyme, standing by the Hofvijfer.
「Jantje,你爸在哪?」—— 荷蘭童謠人物,站在湖邊
Afterwards we paid a visit to the Escher Museum, which hosted many masterpieces by the artist M.C. Escher. Mathematicians would no doubt be particularly interested in his work, which made extensive use of tessellations, illusions and impossibilities, and the impossibilities could often be spotted only upon close examination. His work was mainly produced by lithography after carving on wood, with details so exquisite that his landscape paintings were almost perfect matches to the actual scenery. The top floor of the museum exhibited other pieces of art work featuring illusions and re-creating some of Escher's works in new multi-media formats.
我們之後參觀艾雪博物館(Escher Museum)。艾雪是個畫家,唸數學的人會對他特別感興趣,因他的作品不少以密鋪平面、錯覺及不可能物件為特色,而且是要細心觀察才能看出不可能之處。他的作品,大多先用木刻,然後用平板印刷而製成,圖案及線條細緻,而他的風景畫更可與真實媲美。博物館最高層,展出了其他有錯覺效果的作品及把艾雪傑作以多媒體作嶄新演繹。

Some of Escher's tools

Landscape paintings 風景畫

Chandeliers 吊燈

More tricks for your eyes! 究竟你其實看到甚麼?
Lunch time soon beckoned, but the three of us had to work hard for the meal! We went to the well-known seaside district of Scheveningen in search for a good seafood restaurant that the girl in our group had been to some time ago. We had to go for a walk by the beach, under cloudy skies and cold wind gusts. The beach was actually filled with quite a lot of people (but no one was silly enough to go into the water, of course!) It's not the kind of weather that I would associate with the beach, but obviously the Dutch people don't think like me!
Fortunately time passed rather easily as we had good chit-chats along the way, and we've finally found the place after half an hour.
I was very interested in the raw herring (haring in Dutch) that was considered a good old Dutch delicacy, so all three of us ordered one each. Herrings are very abundant in the North Sea and are very nutritious, as they contain a high amount of omega-3 and other fatty acids. My Dutchie buddy said that kids would be smarter if their mum consumed a right amount of herring during pregnancy (a feel-good statement about the Dutch themselves!) but it could also be too much of a good thing if the mum had too much and ended up ingesting a significant amount of the pollutants accumulated inside the fish.

The way to enjoy a herring is well illustrated by this sculpture.
But if you still don't understand, here's a real-life demonstration!
We braved the cold again after lunch, and went onto a jetty to take in the views. To our south, we could make out the port of Rotterdam, which is not very far from The Hague, and many container ships passing by the beach were obviously heading there. The pink patch in the sky marked the agricultural area of Westland which was full of greenhouses, and the colour was probably due to the large amount of lights emitted by the greenhouses. (Have a look at this satellite photo if interested!)

As dusk gradually descended, my Dutch friends quickly took me to the Peace Palace (Vredespaleis in Dutch) where the International Court of Justice was located, followed by Paleis Noordeinde (North End Palace) which is the work place of Queen Beatrix.
天色漸黑,兩個荷蘭朋友趕緊帶我瀏覽海牙國際法庭所在的和平宮,及女王辦公的北宮殿(Paleis Noordeinde)。

International Court of Justice and the World Peace Flame at the gate

Paleis Noordeinde
It was time to return to the Central Station of The Hague. On our way, we came across many high-end shops, and I thought that many residents of The Hague must be on the wealthy side. My buddies confirmed this view, and said that some people who were not as well off sometimes had to dress up so that they would look 'right'. Fortunately we were only visitors, and we all had somewhere else better to go to - their home in Wageningen. More fun times ahead!
Although everyone knows that Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, the Dutch government is actually seated in The Hague, together with the parliament, royal family and corps diplomatiques. Our first stop in The Hague was at the Binnenhof (Inner Court), where the two chambers of parliament, office of the Prime Minister and various other government offices were located. At the centre of Binnenhof stood the Ridderzaal (Knight's Hall), where the Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands would give the royal speech at the start of each parliamentary year.
One of the entrances to Binnenhof
A panoramic view of the courtyard inside Binnenhof 內院的廣場
One side of the Binnenhof is the public entrance to the Tweede Kamer (the Second House or Lower House of parliament), while the other side is the Court Lake (Hofvijfer). The Prime Minister's Office overlooks the lake from the corner of a row of buildings by the lake, and can be easily recognised as it looked like a round tower with a steep roof. No surprise then it is called het Torentje (the small tower) in Dutch.
The Tweede Kamer
Het torentje (Office of the Prime Minister) 總理辦公室
The Hofvijfer (Court Lake) 內院小湖
'Where's your dad, Jantje?' - the character of a Dutch nursery rhyme, standing by the Hofvijfer.
「Jantje,你爸在哪?」—— 荷蘭童謠人物,站在湖邊
Afterwards we paid a visit to the Escher Museum, which hosted many masterpieces by the artist M.C. Escher. Mathematicians would no doubt be particularly interested in his work, which made extensive use of tessellations, illusions and impossibilities, and the impossibilities could often be spotted only upon close examination. His work was mainly produced by lithography after carving on wood, with details so exquisite that his landscape paintings were almost perfect matches to the actual scenery. The top floor of the museum exhibited other pieces of art work featuring illusions and re-creating some of Escher's works in new multi-media formats.
我們之後參觀艾雪博物館(Escher Museum)。艾雪是個畫家,唸數學的人會對他特別感興趣,因他的作品不少以密鋪平面、錯覺及不可能物件為特色,而且是要細心觀察才能看出不可能之處。他的作品,大多先用木刻,然後用平板印刷而製成,圖案及線條細緻,而他的風景畫更可與真實媲美。博物館最高層,展出了其他有錯覺效果的作品及把艾雪傑作以多媒體作嶄新演繹。
Some of Escher's tools
Landscape paintings 風景畫
Chandeliers 吊燈
More tricks for your eyes! 究竟你其實看到甚麼?
Fortunately time passed rather easily as we had good chit-chats along the way, and we've finally found the place after half an hour.
The way to enjoy a herring is well illustrated by this sculpture.
But if you still don't understand, here's a real-life demonstration!
We braved the cold again after lunch, and went onto a jetty to take in the views. To our south, we could make out the port of Rotterdam, which is not very far from The Hague, and many container ships passing by the beach were obviously heading there. The pink patch in the sky marked the agricultural area of Westland which was full of greenhouses, and the colour was probably due to the large amount of lights emitted by the greenhouses. (Have a look at this satellite photo if interested!)
As dusk gradually descended, my Dutch friends quickly took me to the Peace Palace (Vredespaleis in Dutch) where the International Court of Justice was located, followed by Paleis Noordeinde (North End Palace) which is the work place of Queen Beatrix.
天色漸黑,兩個荷蘭朋友趕緊帶我瀏覽海牙國際法庭所在的和平宮,及女王辦公的北宮殿(Paleis Noordeinde)。
International Court of Justice and the World Peace Flame at the gate
Paleis Noordeinde
It was time to return to the Central Station of The Hague. On our way, we came across many high-end shops, and I thought that many residents of The Hague must be on the wealthy side. My buddies confirmed this view, and said that some people who were not as well off sometimes had to dress up so that they would look 'right'. Fortunately we were only visitors, and we all had somewhere else better to go to - their home in Wageningen. More fun times ahead!