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Showing posts from May 18, 2007

Judgement Day 我愛審一番

Hong Kong is now famous for a student magazine in a ‘world-class’ university … The student magazine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has always included a section on ‘erotica’, except in some of the most recent issues it’s stepped over the line into pornography which upsets some readers. Those readers decided to report their complaints with the Telecommunications and Entertainment Licensing Authority (TELA) which oversees the quality of programming and printed matters. The university decided to castigate the students, and instead of dealing with it internally, it also referred the matter to TELA even before the official judgement, it had ruled that the student magazine is unsuitable for circulation due to objectionable contents. The decision drew the ire of the staff and students, home and abroad, who saw the freedom of publication under threat. In face of the many complaints, TELA had no choice but to follow the protocol and forward the matter to the Obscene Articles Tri...