Hong Kong is now famous for a student magazine in a ‘world-class’ university …
The student magazine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has always included a section on ‘erotica’, except in some of the most recent issues it’s stepped over the line into pornography which upsets some readers. Those readers decided to report their complaints with the Telecommunications and Entertainment Licensing Authority (TELA) which oversees the quality of programming and printed matters.
The university decided to castigate the students, and instead of dealing with it internally, it also referred the matter to TELA even before the official judgement, it had ruled that the student magazine is unsuitable for circulation due to objectionable contents. The decision drew the ire of the staff and students, home and abroad, who saw the freedom of publication under threat.
In face of the many complaints, TELA had no choice but to follow the protocol and forward the matter to the Obscene Articles Tribunal, which has found the students’ articles indecent. Pending on the outcome of further investigations and appeal, there’s a threat that the students may face a law suit! The TELA may not want to charge the students since their publication is not intended for commercial circulation, but they also have to follow established rules and procedures.
The indecency judgement is of course controversial. Many considered that the contents of the student magazine pale in comparison to many other publications which treat indecent topics in a more uninhibited and shameless way. But the Bible too? Apparently someone thought it was, and many have responded to his on-line campaign and lodged their complaints to TELA. It’s hard to second-guess the motive behind this campaign. Maybe it’s just a prank, or a way to make a mockery of the whole situation.
Whatever the outcome of this saga maybe, it’s definitely caught the attention of the international media. Even my Dutch friend has read all about it in the Dutch media!
The students had hoped that their humble magazine would receive better exposure from a wider audience. Now they’ve got what they wanted, even though this is hardly good publicity for them! The Chinese University has also made itself more renowned around the world, in a way much more powerful than the worldwide university league tables or many other international surveys.
And had the Bible been sent for review (fortunately not), Hong Kong would have done something that no other place on Earth would dare. In a more positive light, one could call this challenging a very well-established authority and status quo. However, more would agree that the whole affair is a comedy of errors and nonsense, on the parts of the hypersensitive readers of the magazine, the Chinese University, and now the anti-Bible campaigners. After all, Hong Kong still has a strong tradition of writing good stories and putting them on show, be it for the cinema like the good old days, or the ‘Strange but True’ section in TV news, newspapers and websites of today.

※ 某運程書:「今年姓沈的讀者,如要為兒女起名,大可考慮時興的『沈才柱』(粵音)或『沈才楚』(國音),有利兒女之事業運。」
※ 某審裁員:「今年工作量頓增,難道真是做到『審死官』為止?」
The student magazine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has always included a section on ‘erotica’, except in some of the most recent issues it’s stepped over the line into pornography which upsets some readers. Those readers decided to report their complaints with the Telecommunications and Entertainment Licensing Authority (TELA) which oversees the quality of programming and printed matters.
The university decided to castigate the students, and instead of dealing with it internally, it also referred the matter to TELA even before the official judgement, it had ruled that the student magazine is unsuitable for circulation due to objectionable contents. The decision drew the ire of the staff and students, home and abroad, who saw the freedom of publication under threat.
In face of the many complaints, TELA had no choice but to follow the protocol and forward the matter to the Obscene Articles Tribunal, which has found the students’ articles indecent. Pending on the outcome of further investigations and appeal, there’s a threat that the students may face a law suit! The TELA may not want to charge the students since their publication is not intended for commercial circulation, but they also have to follow established rules and procedures.
The indecency judgement is of course controversial. Many considered that the contents of the student magazine pale in comparison to many other publications which treat indecent topics in a more uninhibited and shameless way. But the Bible too? Apparently someone thought it was, and many have responded to his on-line campaign and lodged their complaints to TELA. It’s hard to second-guess the motive behind this campaign. Maybe it’s just a prank, or a way to make a mockery of the whole situation.
Whatever the outcome of this saga maybe, it’s definitely caught the attention of the international media. Even my Dutch friend has read all about it in the Dutch media!
The students had hoped that their humble magazine would receive better exposure from a wider audience. Now they’ve got what they wanted, even though this is hardly good publicity for them! The Chinese University has also made itself more renowned around the world, in a way much more powerful than the worldwide university league tables or many other international surveys.
And had the Bible been sent for review (fortunately not), Hong Kong would have done something that no other place on Earth would dare. In a more positive light, one could call this challenging a very well-established authority and status quo. However, more would agree that the whole affair is a comedy of errors and nonsense, on the parts of the hypersensitive readers of the magazine, the Chinese University, and now the anti-Bible campaigners. After all, Hong Kong still has a strong tradition of writing good stories and putting them on show, be it for the cinema like the good old days, or the ‘Strange but True’ section in TV news, newspapers and websites of today.

※ 某運程書:「今年姓沈的讀者,如要為兒女起名,大可考慮時興的『沈才柱』(粵音)或『沈才楚』(國音),有利兒女之事業運。」
※ 某審裁員:「今年工作量頓增,難道真是做到『審死官』為止?」
Another thought is that, I am not sure CUHK has anything to do with the complaint being referred to the Tribunal, probably since I have not been quite diligently following the news report.