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Showing posts from April 11, 2009

Venice, Chinese style 古色古鄉--西塘

While I was in Hong Kong last month, it was a happy coincidence that both of my friends in Shanghai were free. What better opportunity than that for a short trip! I quickly bought some plane tickets and set off for three days in Shanghai. 上月在港時,湊巧兩個在上海的朋友都有空,我趕緊買了機票,到上海玩三天。 On my first day (20th March), one of my hosts took me for a trip and overnight stay at a nearby village called Xitang, which is supposed to be famous for its traditional scenic water views. Although Xitang was also an unknown to her, she did her homework and prepared herself to be my tour guide. Our trip started with four changes of bus from her home in the western outskirts of Shanghai. That took us a good few hours before we finally reached Xitang! 第一天(3月20日)由其中一個朋友帶我到鄰近上海的水鄉小鎮西塘逛逛兼過一夜,她以前也沒有去過,但搜集了不少資訊,自告奮勇作嚮導,從其上海西郊的家出發,結果換了四趟車,折騰了好幾小時才來到西塘! Where we alighted was the new town part of Xitang, and it was another 15 minutes walk or so before entering the old town. 下車處仍是新城區,走進水鄉古城區也得再花十來分鐘。 The more modern side of X...