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The sea and history at Williamstown 海和歷史在墨爾本的結合

This summer Melbourne experienced unusual heat, in that there were several heat waves from February and mid-March (lasting up to 9 days in March). The weather stayed by and large quite stable, in contrast to the normal cycle from cool to hot days and without the usual hot winds from inland on most days. It so happened that I had to organise a picnic for my Chinese colleagues, and it occurred to me that a seaside place like Williamstown would be a good idea.

Taking a more winding route to Williamstown: through Fishermen's Bend to the Westgate Bridge, then cross the river by a punt.
那天有空,所以特意經Fishermen's Bend來到Westgate Bridge橋底坐「橫水渡」過河到Williamstown。

Two weeks before the picnic (10th March) I asked one of my friends to join me for a walk along the shore in Williamstown to find a good picnic spot. I’ve obviously chosen a good day to spend time by the sea, as the sea breezes kept the temperature at a very comfortable level, as opposed to the rest of Melbourne which must be enduring another rather uncomfortable day without any wind. I wished that I didn’t have to go home and could stay in Williamstown forever! Williamstown was where the British settlers first landed and settled in Melbourne, and to date it is still possible to see some historical heritage from the mid-19th century. The best testament to that era was the use of bluestone (called basalt elsewhere in the world) in the construction of the Time Ball Tower at Point Gellibrand and a few other residences. Those buildings reminded me of Ballarat during the gold rush of the 1850s and are not so common these days in Melbourne outside the CBD or inner suburbs. It showed the long common colonial history shared by Williamstown and Melbourne.
我提早兩星期(3月10日)約了一個朋友沿著Williamstown的海濱走一趟,視察環境及尋找一個合適的野餐地點。一到達海邊,習習海風把所有暑氣一掃而空,相比起墨爾本市內其他地方一絲風也沒有,我也恨不得在那裡溜躂整天不走呢!Williamstown是英國移民在墨爾本首個登陸的地點和最早開發的地區,至今仍保留當年(19世紀中葉)的一點遺跡和影子,包括屹立於Point Gellibrand的報時球燈塔(Time Ball Tower)和其他用玄武岩(basalt,在澳洲亦稱bluestone)興建的民房,與淘金年代(1850年代)巴拉瑞特(Ballarat)的建築風格相近,在墨爾本,這些房屋在市中心以外難得一見,也間接引證了Williamstown和墨爾本有同樣悠長的英國人開發史。

The Time Ball Tower (top) and one of the several bluestone residential houses in Williamstown (right)

Geographically speaking, Williamstown sits on a peninsula. The southeast-facing shoreline containing Point Gellibrand is the quietest side of the peninsula and was, to my surprise, rather devoid of people on that day (probably because most people considered it too hot to go outdoors). The shore along Nelson Place, facing northeast, was the most popular part of the peninsula with the many cafes, gift shops selling pretty decorations and a small art gallery attracting the crowd. There is a pier for the ferry to the city, a decommissioned navy vessel now open to public visits, as well as s couple of yacht clubs. The opposite, southwest-facing shore is lined with a beach and several parks, and I finally decided on the Williamstown Botanic Gardens as the picnic spot.
Williamstown的地理形勢是一個半島, Point Gellibrand的一段海岸面向東南,是半島最寧靜的一岸,人跡罕至(也可能是因為天氣熱的原故吧),朝東北的Nelson Place一帶是人氣最旺的一岸,可遠眺墨爾本市中心,海旁是帆船港,停泊了一艘退役軍艦供人參觀,也有碼頭讓人乘船到市區,沿海濱的馬路盡是食肆、飾物店,還有一家小型藝術展覽館,人潮如鯽。朝西南的海岸有海灘和公園,我最終選了那裡的植物公園(Williamstown Botanic Gardens)作為野餐地點。

Williamstown Beach - not too busy even on a hot day

The gift shop in the Custom Wharf Galleria, with a seafaring and pirate theme

The Gem Pier with the HMAS Castlemaine warship open to the public
Gem Pier碼頭和退役後對外開放的Castlemaine號戰艦

The different heights of the masts form an interesting match to Melbourne city skyline!

Left high and dry - for showing off!

The picnic on 24th March was attended by 15 or more people, and we also had a good feast despite a smaller crowd than the picnic at Mount Dandenong. The Botanic Gardens and the views of sea were ours and another group’s to enjoy as we were the only people there. After the meal we went for a stroll along a seaside trail. It was the right temperature, neither too hot nor too cold, except the wind was a bit too strong, but it didn’t spoil our enthusiasm. The kids were particularly excited about playing by the water. Further along the trail, we came across a tranquil little bay where many pelicans, swans and other water fowls sought sanctuary. While the others turned back, I continued walking towards a lake for a closer look of the birds.

The scenery and food enjoyed by all at the picnic

The beach and a nearby jetty

Don't step on them!

Drill for surf life saving rescue

Having fun

A haven for pelicans at Jawbone Bay and Jawbone Lake
Jawbone Bay和Jawbone Lake是塘鵝棲息地

Williamstown is a truly unique part of Melbourne with its blend of history and nature. It offers a peek into the early British colonial history in Melbourne within a laid-back setting of the seaside. It’s worth a visit by residents and tourists alike.


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