The autumn weather has been very genial to everyone and has certainly kept travel bugs from hibernating! It’s only wise to seize this opportunity to enjoy the nature that is within an easy 2-hour reach from Munich. Serious hikers could not have asked for more, while casual travellers only wanting to do sight-seeing were not disappointed either.
The Sunday before going to the Black Forest (28th September), I went with another friend to a nearby lake called Chiemsee which is famous for, among others, the two largest islands of Fraueninsel (literally Ladies’ Island) and Herreninsel (Gentlemen’s Island). The view of the Alps in a distance added to the scenic appeal of the lake.
We took the train to the town of Priem am Chiemsee, and from there we followed the tracks of the steam-engine train that ran between the railway station and the pier of the lake.
我倆乘火車來到Priem am Chiemsee那個小城,下車後沿着蒸氣火車軌一直走到碼頭,然後坐船出湖。

Running at full steam despite its age ...

The pier 碼頭
Our ferry first took us to the Fraueninsel which was tranquil and idyllic. One does not need to turn to its nunnery to seek a peaceful life on the island. The sights of private jetties and gardens that protruded from the shore into the lake were so suggestive of the relaxing lifestyle there. Those with a liking for fish should treat themselves to the catch from the lake, not only because it is guaranteed to be fresh, but also there’s nothing good to eat on the other island of Herreninsel!

Houses on Fraueninsel 女人島上的房屋

Beautiful gardens 目不暇給的花園

Houses showcasing ceramics and glass decorations and household items

Private enjoyment

Karolingische Torhalle (left) and the Klosterkirche (Convent Church)

Hard to think of snow when one sees the flowers, but local legend has it that it's a harbinger to much snow this winter!

The greenery between the church and lake Chiemsee

The town of Gstadt, one of the many along the circumference of Chiemsee

Getting ready for some music

Fraueninsel (left) and some other very tiny islands from the middle of Chiemsee
The highlight of the Herreninsel was undoubtedly the castle (Schloss Herrenchiemsee) that was built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria. The garden in front of the castle contains a few fountains which were inspired (or copied) from similar ones in other castles around Europe, while the interior of the castle gave me a sense of déjà vu as I progressed through the rooms. It all dawned on me as I entered the Hall of Mirrors and looked out to the garden with its fountains: this castle was like a duplicate of the Château de Versailles near Paris! (I would have liked to show you the photos from both castles side by side for comparison, except photography is not allowed in Schloss Herrenchiemsee.) The tour guide of the castle explained that King Ludwig II had always looked up to King Louis XIV of France and admired the Château de Versailles. To save him the trouble of travelling to Versailles, Ludwig decided to build one for himself on the island with each room several metres longer than its equivalent in Versailles. One big difference between the two arose, however, because the original entrance of Schloss Herrenchiemsee was not built for a lack of funds, so what should have been the back garden like the Versailles has become the front garden. I couldn’t help but wonder why the Versailles was the second most copied castle in the world (after the Neuschwanstein Castle) – the Schonbrunn Castle in Vienna also drew some inspirations from the Versailles.
男人島的最大賣點,就是由巴伐利亞末代皇帝路易二世興建的男基姆湖宮(Schloss Herrenchiemsee)。皇宮前的花園,有好幾個噴水池,設計取材(實則找襲)自歐洲其他皇宮,而進入宮內參觀時,赫然有種似曾相識的感覺,從前廳走到中央的鏡廳,再從鏡廳向花園外望,但覺這個男基姆湖宮是法國凡爾賽宮的複製品!(祇可惜該處謝絕拍攝,不然可把兩宮的相片並排給大家比較比較。)聽宮內導遊介紹,興建該宮的巴伐利亞未代皇帝路德維希二世,不祇仰慕法國的路易十四世(法國大革命中被推翻的皇帝),亦極欣賞凡爾賽宮,所以便照凡爾賽宮的設計在男人島建了一座一模一樣的(不過男基姆湖宮每個宮室都比凡爾賽宮相同的宮室要長三數米),免其長途跋涉往法國之苦,但兩宮建築上最大的差異,就是男基姆湖宮因資金缺乏而沒有興建像凡爾賽宮的正門,所以本應是後花園的地方便變成了前花園及正門。我不禁想,緣何凡爾賽宮會受如此青睞,成為其他皇宮(包括維也納的美泉皇宮)「參考」的對象?

The front garden of the castle, featuring prominently the Latona Fountain (right)

The fountains closer to the entrance, namely the Fortuna fountain (left) and the Fama fountain (right)
The gardens of Schloss Herrenchiemsee and the Versailles also set themselves apart. Along the central axis of Schloss Herrenchiemsee, there was a promenade lined with trees on both sides forming a wall that extended right to the lake, affording an air of majesty. And in contrast to the meticulous lay-out and décor in the gardens of Versailles, naturalness was the order of the day in Schloss Herrenchiemsee as its garden was surrounded by woods filled with trees touching the sky.

After a quick stroll to the other parts of the Herreninsel, it was time to head back to the mainland. Back in Prien am Chiemsee, there was time for a quick peek into the town before the train to Munich arrived.
之後在男人島其他地方逛逛,然後乘船回岸,走回Prien am Chiemsee,趁等回慕尼黑的火車的時候,到Prien市內看看。

The view of Fraueninsel from the Old Castle

Inside the old castle

Stables and farms

The Bavarian Alps against Chiemsee

A quick wander through Prien
Two weeks after the Black Forest trip, we had the fortune of more fine and warm days (although that particular morning was pretty cold!) and I decided not to waste it. With a group of friends, we drove to the Berchtesgaden region (called Berchtesgadenland in German) on 18th October for a visit to the famous Mount Kehlstein (Eagle’s Nest in English) and the lake of Königssee (King’s Lake).
Berchtesgadenland is located in the south-eastern corner of Germany (and Bavaria) tucked into Austria and surrounded on three sides by this neighbour. We were constantly reminded of this fact by the constant beeping of our mobile phones, from the SMS messages advising us that we’ve been connected to the Austrian network due to our automatic roaming. It paid to be careful and check the network connection before dialling so as to avoid those nasty roaming charges!

Some of the beautiful mountain views en route, including our breakfast stop at Bayerische Gmund (right).
沿途山色秀麗,在Bayerische Gmund(右)吃早餐時便是對着如此景色。
We first headed to Kehlstein, admittedly through the easy way of taking a bus uphill from the tourist car park, then the lift from the bus stop to the top. The alternative way would have cost three hours or so of time, sweat and energy if none of these are in short supply! We realised why no one was permitted to drive all the way to the mountain: the long winding road that the bus followed could only accommodate single file traffic, and it would have been a big chaos if the road was clogged with cars.

The documentation centre (for World War II) near the car park

The entrance to the lift
The lift took us to a hut, now the site for a restaurant but it was formerly the resort for Hitler called the Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle’s Nest House) which was meant for Hitler’s 50th birthday. The choice of the location was indeed rather fitting for an overarching ruler like him, but Hitler did not frequent this place because of his fear of heights. One side of the mountain overlooked an alternating pattern of mountains and plains that stretched all the way to the horizon, while the other side commanded an unobstructed view of the Königssee and its surrounding mountains. The breadth of view was simply unrivalled.

Kehlsteinhaus 鷹巢別墅

The crucifix at Kehlstein


Steep cliffs and trails 陡斜的懸崖和山路

The terrain nearby (see also the video below)

Possibly the highest donation box in the world - for volunteer rescuers

It was raining steadily in Munich two days before, but I've never thought that the rain would turn into snow here!
From our descent from Kehlstein, we set off immediately to Königssee. While the lake may not be the most impressive on the surface, with a length of 8 km and breadth of 1.3 km at its widest point, it reaches quite a formidable maximum depth of 200 metres!

The town of Schönau am Königssee near the lake
The lake was surrounded on all sides by mountains, dressed in a variegation of the autumn colours of red, yellow and green. When our boat trip on the lake reached one of the narrower points of the lake, the member of staff who was giving us tourist information about the lake exchanged his microphone for a trumpet, opened a door and started playing some music. It didn’t take long before we could hear an echo, faint at first but gradually picking up as the music continued.

The pier

The views of the surrounding mountains
Listen for the echo - special effects included!
We followed the crowd when the boat called at the St. Bartholomä Church and alighted there. Apart from the picturesque views, we were attracted by the delicious local specialty of smoked fish from the catch of the same day. It was of course an opportunity not to be missed, since fresh fish is a rather uncommon commodity in Munich and we were looking for some nice food to fill our empty stomachs up.
船到了St. Bartholomä教堂,我們都跟大部分人下了船,那裡除風景外,還有一樣吸引人的東西,就是新鮮煙薰魚,是當天在湖捕捉後立即自行煙薰。在慕尼黑難得吃到新鮮魚,而且那時大家還沒吃過飯,我們當然沒錯過那個機會。

St. Bartholomä Church St. Bartholomä教堂

The pier at St. Bartholomä

The mountains near the church 教堂附近的山色

The views of the lake near the church 教堂附近的湖景

The fish restaurant (Fischerstüberl, top left), its interior (top centre), its kitchen with wood oven (top right) and its specialty (left)
After our meal, we went for a walk in the vicinity of the church before boarding the ferry back to our starting pier. From there, we went to a short hike along the trail of Malerwinkel (literally meaning painter’s corner) into the hills near the pier.

The view of Königssee from the Malerwinkel trail

The tall trees along the trail, including many which were rooted in boulders (right)

The village at the exit of the trail - somewhat reminiscent of the Alpine village view in Switzerland
It became dark when we left Königssee. We had a brief stop in the city of Berchtesgaden and continued our way to a nearby town called Bad Reichenhall for a dinner before driving back to Munich.
離開國王湖是天色漸黑,我們在Berchtesgaden市逗留了一會,然後開車到鄰近的小鎮Bad Reichenhall 吃晚飯,補充體力後才返回慕尼黑。

The railway station of Berchtesgaden

The town hall of Bad Reichenhall
Bad Reichenhall市政廳
We were lucky enough to have visited those places in time. Kehlstein is closed to the public from the end of October, while the Schloss Herrenchiemsee has reduced opening hours in winter with the streams of water out of the fountains shut off. So now you know why it’s important for me to work hard and travel hard!
The Sunday before going to the Black Forest (28th September), I went with another friend to a nearby lake called Chiemsee which is famous for, among others, the two largest islands of Fraueninsel (literally Ladies’ Island) and Herreninsel (Gentlemen’s Island). The view of the Alps in a distance added to the scenic appeal of the lake.
We took the train to the town of Priem am Chiemsee, and from there we followed the tracks of the steam-engine train that ran between the railway station and the pier of the lake.
我倆乘火車來到Priem am Chiemsee那個小城,下車後沿着蒸氣火車軌一直走到碼頭,然後坐船出湖。
Running at full steam despite its age ...
The pier 碼頭
Our ferry first took us to the Fraueninsel which was tranquil and idyllic. One does not need to turn to its nunnery to seek a peaceful life on the island. The sights of private jetties and gardens that protruded from the shore into the lake were so suggestive of the relaxing lifestyle there. Those with a liking for fish should treat themselves to the catch from the lake, not only because it is guaranteed to be fresh, but also there’s nothing good to eat on the other island of Herreninsel!
Houses on Fraueninsel 女人島上的房屋
Beautiful gardens 目不暇給的花園
Houses showcasing ceramics and glass decorations and household items
Private enjoyment
Karolingische Torhalle (left) and the Klosterkirche (Convent Church)
Hard to think of snow when one sees the flowers, but local legend has it that it's a harbinger to much snow this winter!
The greenery between the church and lake Chiemsee
The town of Gstadt, one of the many along the circumference of Chiemsee
Getting ready for some music
Fraueninsel (left) and some other very tiny islands from the middle of Chiemsee
The highlight of the Herreninsel was undoubtedly the castle (Schloss Herrenchiemsee) that was built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria. The garden in front of the castle contains a few fountains which were inspired (or copied) from similar ones in other castles around Europe, while the interior of the castle gave me a sense of déjà vu as I progressed through the rooms. It all dawned on me as I entered the Hall of Mirrors and looked out to the garden with its fountains: this castle was like a duplicate of the Château de Versailles near Paris! (I would have liked to show you the photos from both castles side by side for comparison, except photography is not allowed in Schloss Herrenchiemsee.) The tour guide of the castle explained that King Ludwig II had always looked up to King Louis XIV of France and admired the Château de Versailles. To save him the trouble of travelling to Versailles, Ludwig decided to build one for himself on the island with each room several metres longer than its equivalent in Versailles. One big difference between the two arose, however, because the original entrance of Schloss Herrenchiemsee was not built for a lack of funds, so what should have been the back garden like the Versailles has become the front garden. I couldn’t help but wonder why the Versailles was the second most copied castle in the world (after the Neuschwanstein Castle) – the Schonbrunn Castle in Vienna also drew some inspirations from the Versailles.
男人島的最大賣點,就是由巴伐利亞末代皇帝路易二世興建的男基姆湖宮(Schloss Herrenchiemsee)。皇宮前的花園,有好幾個噴水池,設計取材(實則找襲)自歐洲其他皇宮,而進入宮內參觀時,赫然有種似曾相識的感覺,從前廳走到中央的鏡廳,再從鏡廳向花園外望,但覺這個男基姆湖宮是法國凡爾賽宮的複製品!(祇可惜該處謝絕拍攝,不然可把兩宮的相片並排給大家比較比較。)聽宮內導遊介紹,興建該宮的巴伐利亞未代皇帝路德維希二世,不祇仰慕法國的路易十四世(法國大革命中被推翻的皇帝),亦極欣賞凡爾賽宮,所以便照凡爾賽宮的設計在男人島建了一座一模一樣的(不過男基姆湖宮每個宮室都比凡爾賽宮相同的宮室要長三數米),免其長途跋涉往法國之苦,但兩宮建築上最大的差異,就是男基姆湖宮因資金缺乏而沒有興建像凡爾賽宮的正門,所以本應是後花園的地方便變成了前花園及正門。我不禁想,緣何凡爾賽宮會受如此青睞,成為其他皇宮(包括維也納的美泉皇宮)「參考」的對象?
The front garden of the castle, featuring prominently the Latona Fountain (right)
The fountains closer to the entrance, namely the Fortuna fountain (left) and the Fama fountain (right)
The gardens of Schloss Herrenchiemsee and the Versailles also set themselves apart. Along the central axis of Schloss Herrenchiemsee, there was a promenade lined with trees on both sides forming a wall that extended right to the lake, affording an air of majesty. And in contrast to the meticulous lay-out and décor in the gardens of Versailles, naturalness was the order of the day in Schloss Herrenchiemsee as its garden was surrounded by woods filled with trees touching the sky.
After a quick stroll to the other parts of the Herreninsel, it was time to head back to the mainland. Back in Prien am Chiemsee, there was time for a quick peek into the town before the train to Munich arrived.
之後在男人島其他地方逛逛,然後乘船回岸,走回Prien am Chiemsee,趁等回慕尼黑的火車的時候,到Prien市內看看。
The view of Fraueninsel from the Old Castle
Inside the old castle
Stables and farms
The Bavarian Alps against Chiemsee
A quick wander through Prien
Two weeks after the Black Forest trip, we had the fortune of more fine and warm days (although that particular morning was pretty cold!) and I decided not to waste it. With a group of friends, we drove to the Berchtesgaden region (called Berchtesgadenland in German) on 18th October for a visit to the famous Mount Kehlstein (Eagle’s Nest in English) and the lake of Königssee (King’s Lake).
Berchtesgadenland is located in the south-eastern corner of Germany (and Bavaria) tucked into Austria and surrounded on three sides by this neighbour. We were constantly reminded of this fact by the constant beeping of our mobile phones, from the SMS messages advising us that we’ve been connected to the Austrian network due to our automatic roaming. It paid to be careful and check the network connection before dialling so as to avoid those nasty roaming charges!
Some of the beautiful mountain views en route, including our breakfast stop at Bayerische Gmund (right).
沿途山色秀麗,在Bayerische Gmund(右)吃早餐時便是對着如此景色。
We first headed to Kehlstein, admittedly through the easy way of taking a bus uphill from the tourist car park, then the lift from the bus stop to the top. The alternative way would have cost three hours or so of time, sweat and energy if none of these are in short supply! We realised why no one was permitted to drive all the way to the mountain: the long winding road that the bus followed could only accommodate single file traffic, and it would have been a big chaos if the road was clogged with cars.
The documentation centre (for World War II) near the car park
The entrance to the lift
The lift took us to a hut, now the site for a restaurant but it was formerly the resort for Hitler called the Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle’s Nest House) which was meant for Hitler’s 50th birthday. The choice of the location was indeed rather fitting for an overarching ruler like him, but Hitler did not frequent this place because of his fear of heights. One side of the mountain overlooked an alternating pattern of mountains and plains that stretched all the way to the horizon, while the other side commanded an unobstructed view of the Königssee and its surrounding mountains. The breadth of view was simply unrivalled.
Kehlsteinhaus 鷹巢別墅
The crucifix at Kehlstein
Steep cliffs and trails 陡斜的懸崖和山路
The terrain nearby (see also the video below)
Possibly the highest donation box in the world - for volunteer rescuers
It was raining steadily in Munich two days before, but I've never thought that the rain would turn into snow here!
From our descent from Kehlstein, we set off immediately to Königssee. While the lake may not be the most impressive on the surface, with a length of 8 km and breadth of 1.3 km at its widest point, it reaches quite a formidable maximum depth of 200 metres!
The town of Schönau am Königssee near the lake
The lake was surrounded on all sides by mountains, dressed in a variegation of the autumn colours of red, yellow and green. When our boat trip on the lake reached one of the narrower points of the lake, the member of staff who was giving us tourist information about the lake exchanged his microphone for a trumpet, opened a door and started playing some music. It didn’t take long before we could hear an echo, faint at first but gradually picking up as the music continued.
The pier
The views of the surrounding mountains
Listen for the echo - special effects included!
We followed the crowd when the boat called at the St. Bartholomä Church and alighted there. Apart from the picturesque views, we were attracted by the delicious local specialty of smoked fish from the catch of the same day. It was of course an opportunity not to be missed, since fresh fish is a rather uncommon commodity in Munich and we were looking for some nice food to fill our empty stomachs up.
船到了St. Bartholomä教堂,我們都跟大部分人下了船,那裡除風景外,還有一樣吸引人的東西,就是新鮮煙薰魚,是當天在湖捕捉後立即自行煙薰。在慕尼黑難得吃到新鮮魚,而且那時大家還沒吃過飯,我們當然沒錯過那個機會。
St. Bartholomä Church St. Bartholomä教堂
The pier at St. Bartholomä
The mountains near the church 教堂附近的山色
The views of the lake near the church 教堂附近的湖景
The fish restaurant (Fischerstüberl, top left), its interior (top centre), its kitchen with wood oven (top right) and its specialty (left)
After our meal, we went for a walk in the vicinity of the church before boarding the ferry back to our starting pier. From there, we went to a short hike along the trail of Malerwinkel (literally meaning painter’s corner) into the hills near the pier.
The view of Königssee from the Malerwinkel trail
The tall trees along the trail, including many which were rooted in boulders (right)
The village at the exit of the trail - somewhat reminiscent of the Alpine village view in Switzerland
It became dark when we left Königssee. We had a brief stop in the city of Berchtesgaden and continued our way to a nearby town called Bad Reichenhall for a dinner before driving back to Munich.
離開國王湖是天色漸黑,我們在Berchtesgaden市逗留了一會,然後開車到鄰近的小鎮Bad Reichenhall 吃晚飯,補充體力後才返回慕尼黑。
The railway station of Berchtesgaden
The town hall of Bad Reichenhall
Bad Reichenhall市政廳
We were lucky enough to have visited those places in time. Kehlstein is closed to the public from the end of October, while the Schloss Herrenchiemsee has reduced opening hours in winter with the streams of water out of the fountains shut off. So now you know why it’s important for me to work hard and travel hard!