Versailles came into prominence since the time of King Louis XIV, one of the most victorious monarchs in French history, and reflected the glory and splendour of that time. The interior décor is as spectacular as other famous castles or palaces, but what make it stand out from the rest are its auditorium (theatre) and its garden.
The auditorium boasts a gold-glistened interior with superior acoustics (tourists were asked to keep quiet inside!) There are 3 levels of spectator stands, with separate rooms (like today’s corporate boxes) for royals and VIPs. The room for the king is specially fitted with a passageway that allows the king to enter and leave any time he pleases without disturbing or being noticed by others. The lowest level of the spectator stand and the stage can be refitted according to different needs. For example in one of the many ceremonies, the stage was expanded for an equestrian display to the amazement of the invited guests. A very thoughtfully designed auditorium! See it for yourself at this link
Upon stepping out of the palace, a huge garden that appears to stretch without end awaits (not exaggerated). The garden also contains many ‘orangeries’ and ‘bosquets’ which are the smaller gardens or landscaped areas lining the main path of the garden and the foot of the hill where the Versailles is built. The orangeries and bosquets are a world of their own with their landscaping, gardening styles and fountains, but were surprisingly spared by tourists. They provide a perfect place to take a respite from the crowd and to savour the beautiful surroundings.
The garden of Versailles adjoins two smaller palaces called Le Grand Trianon and Le Petit Trianon. The latter was the residence of Queen Marie-Antoinette, wife to King Louis XVI. The Queen was heavily influenced by the Enlightenment thinkers in her yearning for nature and asked architects to re-create a Norman village in the garden of Le Petit Trianon. Her private garden (now called The Queen’s Hamlet) was more than mere decorations. Those farms and farmhouses once made fresh produces during her reign, and are still standing today. I could not help but ask myself whether I was still in Paris as I was strolling through this fantastical little village.
The tour of Versailles made me jealous of the high life of the past royals. How fortunate they must have been, especially that they can afford such a palace and garden to themselves. But it is not hard to imagine what a burden Versailles had placed on the ordinary public, as its construction must have drained so much of the public finances. What was those people’s pain is, somewhat slightly ironically, the gain for today’s visiting public and those who make a living from the tourists.
花園連接兩個較小的皇宮,分別稱為大特里安能宮(Le Grand Trianon)及小特里安能宮(Le Petit Trianon),後者乃路易十六世的皇后馬莉‧安東尼特的私人宮殿,她深受啟蒙時代思想影響,渴望回歸自然,於是命人仿建一座諾曼第村莊,皇后在位時這村莊還會飼養牲畜及出產農作物,村屋及農場仍保留至今,走進去後我不禁問自己究竟身處巴黎或是法國鄉郊。
The entrance to the Palace 凡爾賽宮外貌

The interior of the Palace 室內裝潢

The atirum to the auditorium (left) and the corridor leading to the State Apartments (right)
歌劇院前廳(左)及前住皇室眾多宮室的通道 (右)

The upper level of the Royal Chapel (left) and the Upper Chapel Vestibule (right)

The Salon of Hercules with the painting in the ceiling, which took 3 years to complete and is one of the largest in Europe.

The Salon of Plenty (top left), the Salon of Venus (top right) and the Salon of Mercury Bed Chamber (bottom right)

The Hall of Mirrors 鏡廳
The garden of Versailles 凡爾賽宮花園

The view of the garden from the Palace (left) and vice versa (right)

The exquisite gardening and floral decor 精緻的園藝

Some of the many fountains in the garden

The orangerie (top left) and inside two of the bosquets

Ideas for your gardens!
Le Grand Trianon 大特里安能宮

The entrance (left) and garden of Le Grand Trianon

Entertainment for the King! (The room on the right is a private guest room.)
Le Petit Trianon 小特里安能宮

Top left: the main building ; Top right: the private auditorium of Marie-Antoinette;
Bottom Left: the Belvedere and Grotto of Marie-Antoinette, her outdoor music arena; Bottom right: the Temple of Love
The Queen's Hamlet 皇后的仿建農莊

Views of the Hamlet 農莊景色

The mill (left) and the Queen's House joined to the Billiard Room (right)

Left: The Boudoir; Centre: The Marlborough Tower; Right: the creek in the Hamlet

The farms in the Hamlet 農莊內的農田
The auditorium boasts a gold-glistened interior with superior acoustics (tourists were asked to keep quiet inside!) There are 3 levels of spectator stands, with separate rooms (like today’s corporate boxes) for royals and VIPs. The room for the king is specially fitted with a passageway that allows the king to enter and leave any time he pleases without disturbing or being noticed by others. The lowest level of the spectator stand and the stage can be refitted according to different needs. For example in one of the many ceremonies, the stage was expanded for an equestrian display to the amazement of the invited guests. A very thoughtfully designed auditorium! See it for yourself at this link
Upon stepping out of the palace, a huge garden that appears to stretch without end awaits (not exaggerated). The garden also contains many ‘orangeries’ and ‘bosquets’ which are the smaller gardens or landscaped areas lining the main path of the garden and the foot of the hill where the Versailles is built. The orangeries and bosquets are a world of their own with their landscaping, gardening styles and fountains, but were surprisingly spared by tourists. They provide a perfect place to take a respite from the crowd and to savour the beautiful surroundings.
The garden of Versailles adjoins two smaller palaces called Le Grand Trianon and Le Petit Trianon. The latter was the residence of Queen Marie-Antoinette, wife to King Louis XVI. The Queen was heavily influenced by the Enlightenment thinkers in her yearning for nature and asked architects to re-create a Norman village in the garden of Le Petit Trianon. Her private garden (now called The Queen’s Hamlet) was more than mere decorations. Those farms and farmhouses once made fresh produces during her reign, and are still standing today. I could not help but ask myself whether I was still in Paris as I was strolling through this fantastical little village.
The tour of Versailles made me jealous of the high life of the past royals. How fortunate they must have been, especially that they can afford such a palace and garden to themselves. But it is not hard to imagine what a burden Versailles had placed on the ordinary public, as its construction must have drained so much of the public finances. What was those people’s pain is, somewhat slightly ironically, the gain for today’s visiting public and those who make a living from the tourists.
花園連接兩個較小的皇宮,分別稱為大特里安能宮(Le Grand Trianon)及小特里安能宮(Le Petit Trianon),後者乃路易十六世的皇后馬莉‧安東尼特的私人宮殿,她深受啟蒙時代思想影響,渴望回歸自然,於是命人仿建一座諾曼第村莊,皇后在位時這村莊還會飼養牲畜及出產農作物,村屋及農場仍保留至今,走進去後我不禁問自己究竟身處巴黎或是法國鄉郊。
The entrance to the Palace 凡爾賽宮外貌

The interior of the Palace 室內裝潢

The atirum to the auditorium (left) and the corridor leading to the State Apartments (right)
歌劇院前廳(左)及前住皇室眾多宮室的通道 (右)

The upper level of the Royal Chapel (left) and the Upper Chapel Vestibule (right)

The Salon of Hercules with the painting in the ceiling, which took 3 years to complete and is one of the largest in Europe.

The Salon of Plenty (top left), the Salon of Venus (top right) and the Salon of Mercury Bed Chamber (bottom right)

The Hall of Mirrors 鏡廳
The garden of Versailles 凡爾賽宮花園

The view of the garden from the Palace (left) and vice versa (right)

The exquisite gardening and floral decor 精緻的園藝

Some of the many fountains in the garden

The orangerie (top left) and inside two of the bosquets

Ideas for your gardens!
Le Grand Trianon 大特里安能宮

The entrance (left) and garden of Le Grand Trianon

Entertainment for the King! (The room on the right is a private guest room.)
Le Petit Trianon 小特里安能宮

Top left: the main building ; Top right: the private auditorium of Marie-Antoinette;
Bottom Left: the Belvedere and Grotto of Marie-Antoinette, her outdoor music arena; Bottom right: the Temple of Love
The Queen's Hamlet 皇后的仿建農莊

Views of the Hamlet 農莊景色

The mill (left) and the Queen's House joined to the Billiard Room (right)

Left: The Boudoir; Centre: The Marlborough Tower; Right: the creek in the Hamlet

The farms in the Hamlet 農莊內的農田