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Into the woods 偏向秋山行

Autumn is the best time for rambles in the countryside. There is no shortage of choices around Munich, from relaxing strolls to really challenging hikes.

My Hong Kong friend in Switzerland came to Munich for a weekend of catching up. After a big feast at the Oktoberfest and another friend’s place, we decided that the next day (26th September) would be a good day to take it easy. One of us suggested going for a ramble around the Schliersee lake, so we took the train to a village nearby and made our way through the fields and along the railway tracks to the Schliersee village.

Village life 農村生活

On a different track 不同道

The village of Schliersee Schliersee村

That day was pretty chilly, and we were struck by a tree that had gone completely yellow by the lake. It was a reminder that autumn has been lurking for a while behind the veil of warmer days earlier in the week, when I could still wear the traditional leather shorts to the Oktoberfest.

Autumn by the lake

The signs of autumn were more conspicuous a week later (3rd October) when I went hiking with a friend in Lenggries. My friend decided to join a Facebook group which goes for regular hikes near Munich and has roped me in for hiking in the mountains near Lenggries with them.

Although she thought that the track should not be too difficult based on the information she got, we found not long into the hike that we had seriously underestimated the challenge ahead! The start of the track got gradually steeper, and because of the rain a couple of days earlier, the mud and rocks were still slippery. For the two of us who are not regular and serious hikers, it was indeed very onerous to negotiate through this tricky terrain and take care not to slip all the time. 看他們的資料,說路途不應太困難,但行程開始了沒多久我們才知道自己嚴重低估山路有多艱難,路徑不祇陡,而且因為早兩天才下過雨,不論是泥或是石都仍然濕滑,步步為營之餘還得當心滑倒,對我倆不常遠足的人來說簡直是畏途!

Physical and mental challenges ahead! 令身心皆受考驗的遠足路徑!

I had wanted to take photos regularly during the hike, but I decided against it and instead to put it in my backpack for a big part of the trip in order to protect this brand new camera. As we were panting and pausing frequently on the way uphill then navigating our way carefully downhill, we were stunned to see groups of elderly people who were flying past us on their walking poles. Their agility has totally disguised their real age and put us younger people to shame!

But of course I couldn't resist photo opportunities whenever we had a break!

These trees with bent branches were also worth a photo shot.

Another uphill section awaited, but then the track were drier and less treacherous and it was time to enjoy the views of the beautiful autumnal woods. The colours of the trees were particularly striking under the brilliant sun and showed us the prettiest side of early autumn. The end of this uphill track was a hut where I finally had a chance to relax properly, a good chat with others in the group and a hearty venison goulash which was a just reward for the hard yards. But the sky started to turn dark shortly afterwards and we still had to go downhill to catch the train back to Munich. It was a race against time to go through the woods, and once outside we relied on the star light to guide us along an open path back to the town of Lenggries. Such was a strenuous day, and my thighs were still feeling the effects a couple of days on!

A more enjoyable part of the hike

The mountains near the hut (left) and the view from the hut (right)

After the hike in Lenggries, I worked for 19 days straight and got thoroughly sick of it since I was basically working and living at the same place. On my day off I only wanted to run away for a change of scene, and when my friend in Ingolstadt asked me if I wanted to visit her there the next day (24th October), I didn’t think twice and agreed.

En route we passed by big stretches of woods with a variegation of bright red, brown, golden yellow and green, which would have been more striking had there been some sunshine. We stopped by a site of Roman ruins and admired at the building foundations that were still standing after two thousand years. We wondered how the Romans could build something so solid that it would last such a long time. (I feel so lucky that it was actually my second time visiting Roman ruins during this European trip, having been to those in Kaiseraugst near Basel before arriving in Germany.)

The remains of the Abusina fortress Abusina堡壘的遺址

The highlight of Weltenburg is its monastery which has been brewing beer since 1050 and is the oldest monastery brewery in the world. Of course I took the opportunity to taste the most famous beer of the monastery and bought a 5-litre keg back to my institute to share it with my colleagues. I was puzzled why monasteries would get into the business of brewing, and one of my colleagues said that it was a means for the church to provide some necessities to and make some money from the cities that it ruled in the past.

Views of the Danube river that runs past Weltenburg

The monastery (left) and the church (right)

Inside the church

There were many more memorable sights in other countries outside Germany, and I’ll slowly start to fill you in.


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