Although I have left Munich for almost two years, it felt as if I haven’t really left the place for a long time when I returned in mid-September. The scene of sitting at the airport train station waiting for the train was all too familiar to me.
The next day I turned up to my previous laboratory, only to find that a few familiar faces have disappeared. After a few days it was the farewell for another two colleagues. But the lab has recruited a few new people and thankfully I mixed with them pretty quickly, at work and outside. The research institute also looked quite different with so many new automatic doors installed. I couldn’t really work out the purpose of those doors. They seemed to help retain the heating at certain locations, but some people said that it was just some projects created in response to the global financial crisis to sustain jobs.
When I went shopping later in the afternoon, I was pleasantly surprised to find that supermarket price tags are pretty much unchanged compared to two years ago. I’m sure those from mainland China, Hong Kong and Australia would have their eyes brimming with glee upon reading this, like I was in the supermarket! Another factor in my favour was the Australian Dollar to Euro exchange rate which was at historically high levels while I was there. It was actually quite affordable to spend money in Germany, particularly on shopping and travel. Unfortunately I didn’t have too much time for shopping because I was too pre-occupied with work and meeting up with friends during my stay.
Prices have however gone crazy at the Oktoberfest beer festival, and this year the prices have gone up by 5% to 8.4 to 8.9 euros per one-litre mug. This didn’t seem to deter the revellers, and when they were generous enough, they would leave a 10-euro note for the beer waitress for a decent tip. Money didn’t matter as long as the patrons and the waitresses have joy out of the festivities. That’s why I said to the German colleagues that there was no global financial crisis at the Oktoberfest!

Recession? What recession? 啤酒節無懼金融海嘯!
From a commemoration of marriage between Prince Ludwig and his wife, Oktoberfest has evolved to be one of the most well-known people’s festivals in the world. It is held at the same old festival ground of Theresienwiese , commonly abbreviated to Wies’n (sounds like Veeson in English) by the locals, but more and more people are crowding into the festival. The busiest times are Friday evenings and weekends, and all the beer tents may even have to shut their doors because they have a full house! A German colleague joked that the only way to guarantee a seat in the tents at weekends was to go there starting from breakfast.
I have not expected to visit the Oktoberfest as many as 5 times. The first time was the second day after opening (19th September) when my friends and I went to see the traditional parade and had a beer at the Wiesn afterwards. The second time (22nd September) was the de rigueur annual outing with colleagues. The third time (25th September) was to take my friend who has moved to Basel and came back for a visit of reminiscence. The fourth time (29th September) was to catch up with an Italian friend whom I met at Oktoberfest 2007. The fifth time (1st October) was for a farewell of a Hungarian colleague who was returning to her home country. The Oktoberfest provided a simple, convenient and cheerful setting for meeting up with friends and other social occasions!

The traditional Trachtenumzug parade

The statue of Bavaria keeping an eye on the patrons

A toast to the moon at the Wiesn on mid-autumn festival (22nd September)
My colleagues and I went to the 200th anniversary historical exhibition for the farewell of our Hungarian colleague. We felt we had stepped back in time with so many antiques on display, beer served in ceramic mugs and traditional shows and music which set it apart from the other tents playing Michael Jackson or Robbie Williams all the time. (Their songs are perfect for sing-alongs en masse, I must admit.) As we walked out of the historical beer tent at 20:00, the sky lit up with several beams of light emerging from the back of the Bavaria statue and criss-crossing each other in different patterns. The concept and timing were coincidentally a good match with A Symphony of Lights show that takes place in Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour every night!
歡送匈牙利同事那一次,我們先到特別為二百週年紀念的傳統展覽,裡面不止有很多古董展出,啤酒館也有很多傳統表演和音樂演奏,啤酒杯也是舊式的,這股傳統氣息跟其他不停演奏Michael Jackson和Robbie Williams的啤酒館截然不同。(這兩個歌手的歌倒的確容易上口,很適合大合唱。)從傳統啤酒館走出來已是晚上8點,那時天空突然一片光亮,上演一幕「幻彩詠Wiesn」,原來有一束束光從巴伐利亞女雕像後面照射出來,並作出了一些花式表演,時間和方式倒與遠方的「幻彩詠香江」燈光表演吻合!

The centre stage in the historical beer tent

A journey back in time

Let the Oktoberfest shine!
I was glad to have met so many people in Munich and to have visited the Oktoberfest so many times, because no one knows when I’ll come to Munich next and even if I do it may not be Oktoberfest time. But perhaps the next time in Munich there will be some other festivities or other reasons to celebrate!
The next day I turned up to my previous laboratory, only to find that a few familiar faces have disappeared. After a few days it was the farewell for another two colleagues. But the lab has recruited a few new people and thankfully I mixed with them pretty quickly, at work and outside. The research institute also looked quite different with so many new automatic doors installed. I couldn’t really work out the purpose of those doors. They seemed to help retain the heating at certain locations, but some people said that it was just some projects created in response to the global financial crisis to sustain jobs.
When I went shopping later in the afternoon, I was pleasantly surprised to find that supermarket price tags are pretty much unchanged compared to two years ago. I’m sure those from mainland China, Hong Kong and Australia would have their eyes brimming with glee upon reading this, like I was in the supermarket! Another factor in my favour was the Australian Dollar to Euro exchange rate which was at historically high levels while I was there. It was actually quite affordable to spend money in Germany, particularly on shopping and travel. Unfortunately I didn’t have too much time for shopping because I was too pre-occupied with work and meeting up with friends during my stay.
Prices have however gone crazy at the Oktoberfest beer festival, and this year the prices have gone up by 5% to 8.4 to 8.9 euros per one-litre mug. This didn’t seem to deter the revellers, and when they were generous enough, they would leave a 10-euro note for the beer waitress for a decent tip. Money didn’t matter as long as the patrons and the waitresses have joy out of the festivities. That’s why I said to the German colleagues that there was no global financial crisis at the Oktoberfest!
Recession? What recession? 啤酒節無懼金融海嘯!
I have not expected to visit the Oktoberfest as many as 5 times. The first time was the second day after opening (19th September) when my friends and I went to see the traditional parade and had a beer at the Wiesn afterwards. The second time (22nd September) was the de rigueur annual outing with colleagues. The third time (25th September) was to take my friend who has moved to Basel and came back for a visit of reminiscence. The fourth time (29th September) was to catch up with an Italian friend whom I met at Oktoberfest 2007. The fifth time (1st October) was for a farewell of a Hungarian colleague who was returning to her home country. The Oktoberfest provided a simple, convenient and cheerful setting for meeting up with friends and other social occasions!
The traditional Trachtenumzug parade
The statue of Bavaria keeping an eye on the patrons
A toast to the moon at the Wiesn on mid-autumn festival (22nd September)
My colleagues and I went to the 200th anniversary historical exhibition for the farewell of our Hungarian colleague. We felt we had stepped back in time with so many antiques on display, beer served in ceramic mugs and traditional shows and music which set it apart from the other tents playing Michael Jackson or Robbie Williams all the time. (Their songs are perfect for sing-alongs en masse, I must admit.) As we walked out of the historical beer tent at 20:00, the sky lit up with several beams of light emerging from the back of the Bavaria statue and criss-crossing each other in different patterns. The concept and timing were coincidentally a good match with A Symphony of Lights show that takes place in Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour every night!
歡送匈牙利同事那一次,我們先到特別為二百週年紀念的傳統展覽,裡面不止有很多古董展出,啤酒館也有很多傳統表演和音樂演奏,啤酒杯也是舊式的,這股傳統氣息跟其他不停演奏Michael Jackson和Robbie Williams的啤酒館截然不同。(這兩個歌手的歌倒的確容易上口,很適合大合唱。)從傳統啤酒館走出來已是晚上8點,那時天空突然一片光亮,上演一幕「幻彩詠Wiesn」,原來有一束束光從巴伐利亞女雕像後面照射出來,並作出了一些花式表演,時間和方式倒與遠方的「幻彩詠香江」燈光表演吻合!
The centre stage in the historical beer tent
A journey back in time
Let the Oktoberfest shine!
I was glad to have met so many people in Munich and to have visited the Oktoberfest so many times, because no one knows when I’ll come to Munich next and even if I do it may not be Oktoberfest time. But perhaps the next time in Munich there will be some other festivities or other reasons to celebrate!