February is the peak of summer in southern Australia and the best time to enjoy what summer has to offer. We scientists only know it too well, so every year we go to this seaside town of Lorne, about 150 km from Melbourne, for the annual conference on protein science.

Lorne has certainly received a facelift during my six years of absence from that place. Thankfully the laid back atmosphere and the lure of the sea still abound. In the mornings the beach is just an au naturel mix of golden sand, roaring waves and refreshing smells of the sea, spared of people save the odd few talking a stroll or walking their dogs. But come the afternoons and the beach will be invaded en masse by sunbathers, swimmers and surfers taking advantage of this natural playground.

The beach is a popular hang-out for the birds too!
It’s the first time I attended this conference in the last 5 years. The last time the conference was relocated to another town as the conference venue at Lorne was undergoing renovations. Now not only the layout of the venue has changed but also how people like to congregate during free times, such as the evening social sessions which has now become a solely indoor affair, as opposed to the past when people shuttle between a hall and an open lawn throughout the evening. The only thing that was surprisingly untouched was the lecture hall, which was still crowded and stuffy: wasn’t a main aim of the renovations for improving the lecture hall, I wondered. Although the venue has had a make-over and lecture topics have progressed since 5 years ago, there’s still a sense of familiarity with so many of the same faces that I’ve met through past conferences. It’s always nice to be able to meet up with them again and have a good chat.
Every afternoon from 13:00 to 16:00 is set aside as free time, and it’s such a waste not to make use of the good weather and proximity to the beach. A swim in the sea was quite enjoyable as the water wasn’t too cold and the waves not too rough. (Normally the sea is colder with higher waves as that stretch of the coast faces the open waters of Bass Strait. It’s very well suited for surfing, even if that requires quite a thick wet suit.) On another day I also went for a saunter along the coast with a French colleague, to the pier that we could just see from our hotel room every day. The walk itself wasn’t too long; as it turned out, it would have only taken 10 minutes had we not paused so frequently to savour the scenery and to shoot photos. I almost thought I had gone back to the Manly Scenic Walk in Sydney two months ago, while my French colleague said the scenery reminded him of Corsica, a place that I still miss. Such were the good times.
會議期間每天下午一至四點都是自由活動時間,難得海灘近在咫尺,當然得好好利用一下。游泳那天沒令我失望,海水不祇不太冷,而且難得不太大浪,所以游得頗暢快(正常來說那一帶海岸面對巴斯海峽Bass Strait,海水一般較冷而且大浪,固然適合玩衝浪,但得穿厚的衝浪衣才行。)另一天跟法國同事沿着海濱小徑,走到每天從酒店都遠望到的小碼頭,路程雖祇是短短十分鐘(如果一口氣走的話),但沿路的景色,總是令我們想放慢腳步,細意欣賞,走着走着,還以為自己回到兩個月前在悉尼Manly海灘散步的時候,法國同事則覺得,景色有點像科西卡島——那裡至今仍叫我懷念啊。

The pier (left) and the beach at Lorne (right)

Views along the walk 海岸的景色

On the pier 碼頭上
Apart from conference attendants and other tourists, Lorne had a rare visitor one night. A koala was spotted up on the tree at the entrance to the conference venue! It struck everyone as being odd, since that tree was not a eucalyptus where koalas usually reside. The poor koala was probably not feeling too comfortable on the tree to start with, and it didn’t help that many curious on-lookers were gathering at the foot of the tree watching it! It was climbing up and down the tree all the time appearing somewhat agitated (in contrast to the normally more sedated state where koalas just feed themselves and rest on the trees peacefully). Eventually it decided to abandon the tree and started walking along the street, presumably in search of a better tree. But then it attracted even more attention. One of the tourists went to the extreme and bent down for a photo opportunity with this animal when it paused for a rest. The koala has turned itself into an instant star of Lorne – albeit, I’m sure, a reluctant one.

Lorne has left me with lots of memorable views, not least what I saw the first thing every morning. After waking up I was greeted by the brilliance of the rising gun, and as its golden rays glistened off the sea, the whole world took on a different hue, one that gave people a sense of warmth and hope for the day to come. I hope the Year of the Tiger is the dawn for the better things to come!
Lorne has certainly received a facelift during my six years of absence from that place. Thankfully the laid back atmosphere and the lure of the sea still abound. In the mornings the beach is just an au naturel mix of golden sand, roaring waves and refreshing smells of the sea, spared of people save the odd few talking a stroll or walking their dogs. But come the afternoons and the beach will be invaded en masse by sunbathers, swimmers and surfers taking advantage of this natural playground.
The beach is a popular hang-out for the birds too!
It’s the first time I attended this conference in the last 5 years. The last time the conference was relocated to another town as the conference venue at Lorne was undergoing renovations. Now not only the layout of the venue has changed but also how people like to congregate during free times, such as the evening social sessions which has now become a solely indoor affair, as opposed to the past when people shuttle between a hall and an open lawn throughout the evening. The only thing that was surprisingly untouched was the lecture hall, which was still crowded and stuffy: wasn’t a main aim of the renovations for improving the lecture hall, I wondered. Although the venue has had a make-over and lecture topics have progressed since 5 years ago, there’s still a sense of familiarity with so many of the same faces that I’ve met through past conferences. It’s always nice to be able to meet up with them again and have a good chat.
Every afternoon from 13:00 to 16:00 is set aside as free time, and it’s such a waste not to make use of the good weather and proximity to the beach. A swim in the sea was quite enjoyable as the water wasn’t too cold and the waves not too rough. (Normally the sea is colder with higher waves as that stretch of the coast faces the open waters of Bass Strait. It’s very well suited for surfing, even if that requires quite a thick wet suit.) On another day I also went for a saunter along the coast with a French colleague, to the pier that we could just see from our hotel room every day. The walk itself wasn’t too long; as it turned out, it would have only taken 10 minutes had we not paused so frequently to savour the scenery and to shoot photos. I almost thought I had gone back to the Manly Scenic Walk in Sydney two months ago, while my French colleague said the scenery reminded him of Corsica, a place that I still miss. Such were the good times.
會議期間每天下午一至四點都是自由活動時間,難得海灘近在咫尺,當然得好好利用一下。游泳那天沒令我失望,海水不祇不太冷,而且難得不太大浪,所以游得頗暢快(正常來說那一帶海岸面對巴斯海峽Bass Strait,海水一般較冷而且大浪,固然適合玩衝浪,但得穿厚的衝浪衣才行。)另一天跟法國同事沿着海濱小徑,走到每天從酒店都遠望到的小碼頭,路程雖祇是短短十分鐘(如果一口氣走的話),但沿路的景色,總是令我們想放慢腳步,細意欣賞,走着走着,還以為自己回到兩個月前在悉尼Manly海灘散步的時候,法國同事則覺得,景色有點像科西卡島——那裡至今仍叫我懷念啊。
The pier (left) and the beach at Lorne (right)
Views along the walk 海岸的景色
On the pier 碼頭上
Apart from conference attendants and other tourists, Lorne had a rare visitor one night. A koala was spotted up on the tree at the entrance to the conference venue! It struck everyone as being odd, since that tree was not a eucalyptus where koalas usually reside. The poor koala was probably not feeling too comfortable on the tree to start with, and it didn’t help that many curious on-lookers were gathering at the foot of the tree watching it! It was climbing up and down the tree all the time appearing somewhat agitated (in contrast to the normally more sedated state where koalas just feed themselves and rest on the trees peacefully). Eventually it decided to abandon the tree and started walking along the street, presumably in search of a better tree. But then it attracted even more attention. One of the tourists went to the extreme and bent down for a photo opportunity with this animal when it paused for a rest. The koala has turned itself into an instant star of Lorne – albeit, I’m sure, a reluctant one.
Lorne has left me with lots of memorable views, not least what I saw the first thing every morning. After waking up I was greeted by the brilliance of the rising gun, and as its golden rays glistened off the sea, the whole world took on a different hue, one that gave people a sense of warmth and hope for the day to come. I hope the Year of the Tiger is the dawn for the better things to come!
Why don't I get the opportunity to go to conferences that are held in nice places like Lorne :(
I thought many Gordon conferences are held in northeastern US, where I think the scenery isn't too different from Canada, right? :)
Actually I have been to one of the Gordon conferences in Italy in 2008
It's quite a nice location.