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La Corse, of course! 山水之間的科西卡島

A holiday is always a nice sequel to a conference! While looking up where the conference venue was, I noticed that there was the port city of Livorno (also known as Leghorn in English) which had plenty of ferry routes. Since Livorno is very close to Pisa and I could make use of the conference bus to get to Pisa, it would be quite easy to hop onto a ferry and go somewhere interesting in the Mediterranean. Eventually I decided on a 3-day trip to Corsica (La Corse in French), starting right after the conference on 20th June.

會議後可以放假了!一早知道大會方面會在會議結束後提供旅遊車往比薩(Pisa),而當初查看會議地點時,把地圖縮小一點,給我留意到離比薩不遠的港口城市利沃諾(Livorno),那裡渡輪航線可不少,心想不如趁機體驗地中海風情,渡海到科西卡島(Corsica,法語La Corse)遊玩兩三天吧。6月20日那天一大早從會議山莊出發,開展我的三天遊。

The cruise ships to Corsica (I travelled on the left one)

Dumping sand right next to a cruise ship - whose clever idea was that?

At Livorno, I boarded a cruise ship which was 10-storey high, with a car port in the bottom 2 or 3 storeys, underneath the cabins for overnight or longer crossings. Above the cabins were restaurants, bars (and the like) as well as the open-air decks. It’s actually all to easy to forget that one is actually on board a ship, since the vessel is so stable and its interior décor reminded me more of a small shopping plaza or entertainment centre.


The 4 hours on board alternated between casual chit-chats with an Australian couple whom I met at the pier in Livorno, catching up on sleep, and strolls on the deck. The voyage didn’t feel long at all.


The sunny decks 甲板上陽光多好!

The island of Capraia (Italy) en route

Corsica was in the horizons three hours into the voyage, and the destination Bastia slowly opened up in front of everyone’s eyes. This port city was already vying for our attention from afar, and as the ship entered the port, I couldn’t wait to disembark and see what lay beyond the colourful façade at the waterfront. A stroll in the streets after disembarkation indeed reinforced my first impression of Bastia as a jolly and welcoming place.


On approach to Bastia 郵輪將抵巴斯蒂亞

The first impression of Bastia

My trail through Place St. Nicolas and several other streets took me to the Old Port (Vieux Port) of Bastia. The port was packed with yachts, surrounded by a variegation of buildings lining the waterfront and dotting the nearby hills, against the backdrop of the high mountains of Corsica. The contrast in the scenes and the colour was particularly striking under the brilliant cloudless skies. I couldn’t ask if I have found the quintessential Mediterranean seaside scenery that I have longed for. The view unfolded further as I ventured out to the jetty enclosing the port (Jetée de Dragon), where I could enjoy a wider perspective of the port, the city and the mountains. I fell in love of this scenery at first sight, and couldn’t get tired of staring into it, except I was on a run and couldn’t stay there forever.

從碼頭出來,經過St. Nicolas廣場及另外幾條街,便到達市內的舊港(Vieux Port),但見港內帆船點點,岸邊和附近的小山上有一列高矮和顏色不一的樓房,再背後的是島內連綿的高山,有山有水,一片晴空下,色彩特別分明,難道給我找到了心目中的地中海海濱風情嗎?單看第一眼,景色已很迷人,沿着海邊的路徑走到包圍舊港的小碼頭(Jetée de Dragon),從碼頭的堤上回望,更能感受到景色的層次感,令人百看不厭,祇可惜時間匆匆,不能在那裡流連。

Place St. Nicolas St. Nicolas 廣場

Some of the streets en route from Place St. Nicolas to the Vieux Port
從St. Nicolas 廣場往舊港途中的街道

Vieux Port, close-up (left) and from the jetty (right)

Jetée de Dragon and the azure seas of Bastia

Now for the panoramic view of Bastia from the jetty ...

The Citadelle built on the hill by the port was the oldest part of the city. From the jetty, I walked up there and soaked up the idyllic atmosphere permeating through its streets.


Relaxing by the sea in the Citadelle 在堡壘區悠閑的日子

One of the gates to the Citadelle

What a pity that I had to rush for the coach for my next destination of Ajaccio and had to take the most direct route through one of the main streets. How nice it would be if I had a whole day to savour Bastia and its sea to the full.


I entered a different world as the bus set off from Bastia. Here the mountains and valleys dominated the scenes. Sometimes the view was simply an endless verdure covering the rugged relief; sometimes the nature was interspersed with signs of civilisation from the secluded villages or the odd house or two along the road; at other times bridges could be seen standing linking one mountain after the other. Every stretch and turn of the road kept bringing surprises to the senses!


Nature without bounds 無邊無際的大自然

Civilisation nestled in nature 大自然中人類的足跡

It was already the evening upon arrival in Ajaccio. I first headed to the seaside to let myself refreshed by the breeze and the view.


Place Foch

Ajaccio held an important place in French history being the birth place of Napoleon, and his childhood residence has now turned into a museum that I visited on my second day in Corsica (21st June). The furniture and the décor were quite preserved from those days.


A statue to commemorate Napoleon at the Place de Gaulle

Musée National de la Maison Bonaparte (National Museum for the Bonaparte residence)

The interior of the residence, including an oil mill (right)

Afterwards I went for a stroll around Ajaccio, and came across a military training school which, as expected, was off limits. But it was somewhat unusual that the beach at the foot of the military school was openly accessible! Of course I ventured down for a look.


The military training school (top left)

(Did I get bored visiting the seaside the second time, so you may ask. Not at all! I was itching to go for a swim, but it was forbidden due to pollution. Maybe another walk along the beach was the best antidote.)


There was still a lot of spare time, so I paid a visit to the local market. I bought some of the locally produced ham and jam, so that I could bring a taste of Corsica with me back to Munich.


The local catch

Ingredients of a good French/Corsican life: ham, chesse and wine

Lively paintings on buildings (left: Musée d'Histoire Corse/Corsican History Museum)

Cours Napoleon (left) and Cathédral St. Roch (above two)
拿破崙街(左)及St. Roch大教堂(上二圖)

Corsica boasts of a culture and identity distinct from the rest of France, and the sense of independence is particularly strong inland, as I could felt it from my next coach trip from Ajaccio to the central city of Corte. Some of the French/Corsican bilingual traffic signs had the French part smeared out, while graffiti in support of independence were so easy to spot around Corte.


Local brew of another kind

Calls to independence 獨立的呼聲

Even the French president's private life is considered fair game ...

Corte was famous for its Citadelle on top of a steep hill. Unfortunately the buildings in the Citadelle were already closed by the time I reached there. But it was still a good spot for a good look of Corte under my feet.


The whole view of Corte

The views near my hotel 酒店附近的景色

The main street of Corte, Cours Paoli

Place Paoli, at the end of Cours Paoli and the start of the walk to the Citadelle.
(Paoli led Corsica to a brief period of independence between 1755 and 1769 before it became French territory.)


The road uphill 上山的道路

The Citadelle aloft on this lonely hill

Musée de la Corse (Museum of Corsica) within the Citadelle

Views from a vantage point near the Citadelle

Fontaine de 4 canons

Near the Citadelle I treated myself to some local fare for dinner, including an omelette with the local cheese Brocciu and mint, followed by a stew of wild boar (sanglier). It was difficult to pin down to the restaurant itself or Corsican cuisine in general, but I thought a stronger flavour would be needed to do justice to these distinctive dishes.


After the dinner, I took a short cut back to my hotel through a rather challenging path downhill. Looking back at the Citadelle halfway through my descent, I came to appreciate that its precarious relief made the Citadelle a most suitable place for a military post. That’s probably one of the factors for which Corte used to be the capital city of Corsica.


I only wished I had a few more days to take in the culture and scenery of this beautiful island at a more relaxed place. But home was calling on my third day, and it was a full day of travelling starting with a train trip from Corte to Bastia. Although not advertised as such, this train trip was definitely worth the name of a scenic train as I could once again enjoy the majestic views of the Corsican mountains. From Bastia, it was a ferry ride to Livorno, where I managed to undertake a very quick tour before embarking on two further train trips, first to Florence then back to Munich. Let me write about my Italian ventures – if I remember it after clearing my backlog of blog posts from my other travels!



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