The end of the year has been a particularly busy time, but fortunately I had a good reason to take a breather as I’ve booked some flights to visit Sydney with dad quite some time ago. This trip was full of surprises although we’ve both visited that city quite a few times.

Sydney Fish Market 悉尼漁市場
Not long after we stepped off the plane, we were stung by the hefty Sydney public transport fares! I was aware of a surcharge for going through the airport railway station (called the Station Access Fee), but the public transport website would not say expressly how much the fee is. I figured out from the difference between single full-fare and half-fare tickets that the Station Access Fee should be A$5, but for a day ticket (called the Daytripper) the Fee turned out to be A$11.8! The Daytripper itself costs A$17 (HK$120, 11.5 euros, US$15.5), which is pretty steep already without slapping on this additional Station Access Fee. But such an expensive fare is less of a problem than the deliberate withholding of such information by the public transport authority of Sydney. To my mind, it’s acting like a dodgy businessperson who would only reveal all the hidden and unknown surcharges when handing over the final bill. This is simply unfair and confusing especially to visitors to Sydney and the occasional users of the train.

Darling Harbour and the Pyrmont Bridge (left) that flies over the Harbour
Fortunately the rest of the trip brought mainly pleasant surprises. On our first day (11th December) we took the ferry to Manly beach. While dad preferred to stay put by the beachside, I decided to saunter along the Manly Scenic Walk which took me along the coastline from the Manly Beach to another beached called Shelly Beach tucked away in a quiet bay nearby. I was struck by the Mediterranean feel of the place, thanks to the mix of bright yellow from the rocks, brilliant aqua of the sea and various vibrant colours of the houses under the warm summer sun.
雖然這個行程主要都是舊地重遊,但也給我們找到些驚喜。第一天(12月11日)下午坐渡海輪到Manly海灘,家父坐在海灘邊欣賞景色,我則沿着海濱徑(Manly Scenic Walk),靠着海岸線,慢慢由遠離人頭湧湧的Manly海灘,走到躲在鄰近靜謐小灣的Shelly海灘。和煦的陽光和藍得像寶石的海,襯托着路徑沿途的岩石和房屋,沒想到會給我有點地中海那種悠閑的感覺。

The Circular Quay, from which the ferry departed for Manly

Views of the city 市區景色

Fort Denison in the middle of the Harbour

Sydney Opera House (left), together with the Harbour Bridge (right)

Seaside suburbs 海濱區域

Beyond Northhead (the landmass to the left of the photo) and Watson Bay (to the right) is where the Sydney Harbour meets the Tasman Sea.
相中左邊的陸地Northhead和右邊的Watson Bay,形成悉尼海港通往塔斯曼海的出口

Manly Beach Manly海灘

Residences overlooking Manly

Manly Scenic Walk

A pool by the sea 海邊的游泳池

Shelly Beach, also popular with swimmers
Sydney’s city parks were also quite pleasing. We went to Hyde Park, which was divided by a road into a north part and south part. In the south part stood the ANZAC memorial (war memorial of Australian and New Zealand forces), while the north part had a central pathway lined by tall trees which formed a high and steep roof over the path with their canopies. Not only was the view majestic, it was also fitting with the war memorial. The Royal Botanic Gardens close to the Circular Quay was also full of trees, but of another kind. They were more of a stubby kind with trunks so thick that it would easily take 3 or more people to encircle the trunks. I wouldn’t be surprised if the trees have been standing for more than a century; just imagine the amount of care needed to keep the trees in such a state. On a higher terrain right by the sea, the Botanic Gardens command some of the best views for the most famous icons of Sydney, the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge.
悉尼市區的公園也令沒令人失望。被馬路分成南、北兩部份的Hyde Park,南部有一座軍人記念館,北部主路徑兩旁種滿參天的大樹,形成一個綠色的又高又尖的蓬,壯觀之餘也襯托出軍人記念館的莊嚴。而位於悉尼海港環形碼頭(Circular Quay)旁的皇家植物園,也是林蔭處處,要三數人才能環抱的大樹隨處可見,相信每棵也有百多年的歷史,足讓我們看到公園的保育工作做得有多好。皇家植物園由於地勢比周圍略高,而且景觀開揚,又位處海邊,所以是飽覽兩大景點——歌劇院和海港大橋——的上佳地點。

ANZAC memorial (left) and the plaza in front of the memorial (right)

The tree-lined path in Hyde Park (left) and the statue of Captain Cook, who was the first European to land in Australia - in Sydney, in fact
Hyde Park的林蔭路(左)和首個在澳洲登陸的歐洲人庫克船長(右),他正是在悉尼登陸

The Sydney Harbour Bridge from the Royal Botanic Gardens

The Government House, residence for the Governor of New South Wales

The trees inside the Gardens 植物園內的大樹

The Gardens came alive with so many birds!
Another good vantage point is the tower at the end of the Overseas Passenger Terminal, where international cruise ships berth. The tower offers a panoramic view of the harbour and the surrounding Opera House, Harbour Bridge, the Circular Quay and the historic district of The Rocks nearby as well as the suburb of North Sydney on the other side of the harbour. There was an unexpectedly pleasant surprise when my father and I were taking night shots on the tower on 12th December! A few cruise liners were visiting Sydney during our days in Sydney, including one making her maiden voyage. It was such an important occasion that the Governor of New South Wales was to host the christening of the cruise liner, as part of the many celebratory events which generated so much buzz around the harbour. My father and I were taking turns to take photos with the Opera House in the background. All of a sudden we heard a couple of loud bangs, and when we turned around we saw the start of some fireworks! We were so overjoyed because we weren’t expecting to see it, and I filmed the whole event on my camera. Although there was only one boat from where the fireworks were launched, but the variety of colours and patterns was so professional and certainly on par with large public events like the annual New Year’s Eve fireworks in Sydney. No wonder others on the tower jokingly wished ‘Happy New Year’ to each other at the close of fireworks. I originally thought that the fireworks were part of the christening celebrations for the cruise liner, but as the so many well-groomed party guests made their way to the tower for photos, it then dawned on me that the fireworks were for a wedding celebration! I wonder who it was that could afford such an extravaganza.
另一個地點就是海外郵輪碼頭(Overseas Passenger Terminal)盡頭的塔,在塔上可全方位把歌劇院、大橋、碼頭旁古色古香的岩石區(The Rocks)、環形碼頭、海港乃至海港彼岸的北悉尼區(North Sydney)全部景色盡收眼底,12月12日那晚在塔上拍夜景時更有一大驚喜!我們在悉尼那幾天,剛好有三兩艘大型郵輪入港,其中一艘更是處女航,有勞新南威爾士州總督主持下水禮,12日那晚在郵輪碼頭舉行慶祝活節,熱鬧非常,那時我和家父輪流以歌劇院作背景拍照,突然海上傳來嘭嘭數響,轉身一望,原來是放煙火,令我們意想不到,我趕緊用相機在煙火以知片拍下來。煙火水準甚為專業,雖祇有一條小艇發放,但款式和色彩千變萬化,可媲美像悉尼每年的除夕煙火般大型盛事,怪不得煙火剛落時身旁的西人都開玩笑說「新年快樂」了。我起初還以為煙火是郵輪慶祝之一,但後來看到身穿盛裝的賓客陸續從郵輪碼頭的餐廳走過來輪流拍照,原來那場煙火是結婚的助興節目!結婚也能在悉尼海港放煙火,果然厲害!

Festivities for the cruise liner on its maiden voyage

The Opera House and Harbour Bridge by night
Firework surprise! (Click to view video.) 突如奇來的煙火!(可點擊觀看短片)

The Rocks with its steady stream of traffic (the Christmas Tree on the right is made of empty glass bottles)
It’s certainly exceeded my expectations that I was able to see something new and unexpected in the three days even though I’ve been to this city a few times in the past.
Sydney Fish Market 悉尼漁市場
Not long after we stepped off the plane, we were stung by the hefty Sydney public transport fares! I was aware of a surcharge for going through the airport railway station (called the Station Access Fee), but the public transport website would not say expressly how much the fee is. I figured out from the difference between single full-fare and half-fare tickets that the Station Access Fee should be A$5, but for a day ticket (called the Daytripper) the Fee turned out to be A$11.8! The Daytripper itself costs A$17 (HK$120, 11.5 euros, US$15.5), which is pretty steep already without slapping on this additional Station Access Fee. But such an expensive fare is less of a problem than the deliberate withholding of such information by the public transport authority of Sydney. To my mind, it’s acting like a dodgy businessperson who would only reveal all the hidden and unknown surcharges when handing over the final bill. This is simply unfair and confusing especially to visitors to Sydney and the occasional users of the train.
Darling Harbour and the Pyrmont Bridge (left) that flies over the Harbour
Fortunately the rest of the trip brought mainly pleasant surprises. On our first day (11th December) we took the ferry to Manly beach. While dad preferred to stay put by the beachside, I decided to saunter along the Manly Scenic Walk which took me along the coastline from the Manly Beach to another beached called Shelly Beach tucked away in a quiet bay nearby. I was struck by the Mediterranean feel of the place, thanks to the mix of bright yellow from the rocks, brilliant aqua of the sea and various vibrant colours of the houses under the warm summer sun.
雖然這個行程主要都是舊地重遊,但也給我們找到些驚喜。第一天(12月11日)下午坐渡海輪到Manly海灘,家父坐在海灘邊欣賞景色,我則沿着海濱徑(Manly Scenic Walk),靠着海岸線,慢慢由遠離人頭湧湧的Manly海灘,走到躲在鄰近靜謐小灣的Shelly海灘。和煦的陽光和藍得像寶石的海,襯托着路徑沿途的岩石和房屋,沒想到會給我有點地中海那種悠閑的感覺。
The Circular Quay, from which the ferry departed for Manly
Views of the city 市區景色
Fort Denison in the middle of the Harbour
Sydney Opera House (left), together with the Harbour Bridge (right)
Seaside suburbs 海濱區域
Beyond Northhead (the landmass to the left of the photo) and Watson Bay (to the right) is where the Sydney Harbour meets the Tasman Sea.
相中左邊的陸地Northhead和右邊的Watson Bay,形成悉尼海港通往塔斯曼海的出口
Manly Beach Manly海灘
Residences overlooking Manly
Manly Scenic Walk
A pool by the sea 海邊的游泳池
Shelly Beach, also popular with swimmers
Sydney’s city parks were also quite pleasing. We went to Hyde Park, which was divided by a road into a north part and south part. In the south part stood the ANZAC memorial (war memorial of Australian and New Zealand forces), while the north part had a central pathway lined by tall trees which formed a high and steep roof over the path with their canopies. Not only was the view majestic, it was also fitting with the war memorial. The Royal Botanic Gardens close to the Circular Quay was also full of trees, but of another kind. They were more of a stubby kind with trunks so thick that it would easily take 3 or more people to encircle the trunks. I wouldn’t be surprised if the trees have been standing for more than a century; just imagine the amount of care needed to keep the trees in such a state. On a higher terrain right by the sea, the Botanic Gardens command some of the best views for the most famous icons of Sydney, the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge.
悉尼市區的公園也令沒令人失望。被馬路分成南、北兩部份的Hyde Park,南部有一座軍人記念館,北部主路徑兩旁種滿參天的大樹,形成一個綠色的又高又尖的蓬,壯觀之餘也襯托出軍人記念館的莊嚴。而位於悉尼海港環形碼頭(Circular Quay)旁的皇家植物園,也是林蔭處處,要三數人才能環抱的大樹隨處可見,相信每棵也有百多年的歷史,足讓我們看到公園的保育工作做得有多好。皇家植物園由於地勢比周圍略高,而且景觀開揚,又位處海邊,所以是飽覽兩大景點——歌劇院和海港大橋——的上佳地點。
ANZAC memorial (left) and the plaza in front of the memorial (right)
The tree-lined path in Hyde Park (left) and the statue of Captain Cook, who was the first European to land in Australia - in Sydney, in fact
Hyde Park的林蔭路(左)和首個在澳洲登陸的歐洲人庫克船長(右),他正是在悉尼登陸
The Sydney Harbour Bridge from the Royal Botanic Gardens
The Government House, residence for the Governor of New South Wales
The trees inside the Gardens 植物園內的大樹
The Gardens came alive with so many birds!
Another good vantage point is the tower at the end of the Overseas Passenger Terminal, where international cruise ships berth. The tower offers a panoramic view of the harbour and the surrounding Opera House, Harbour Bridge, the Circular Quay and the historic district of The Rocks nearby as well as the suburb of North Sydney on the other side of the harbour. There was an unexpectedly pleasant surprise when my father and I were taking night shots on the tower on 12th December! A few cruise liners were visiting Sydney during our days in Sydney, including one making her maiden voyage. It was such an important occasion that the Governor of New South Wales was to host the christening of the cruise liner, as part of the many celebratory events which generated so much buzz around the harbour. My father and I were taking turns to take photos with the Opera House in the background. All of a sudden we heard a couple of loud bangs, and when we turned around we saw the start of some fireworks! We were so overjoyed because we weren’t expecting to see it, and I filmed the whole event on my camera. Although there was only one boat from where the fireworks were launched, but the variety of colours and patterns was so professional and certainly on par with large public events like the annual New Year’s Eve fireworks in Sydney. No wonder others on the tower jokingly wished ‘Happy New Year’ to each other at the close of fireworks. I originally thought that the fireworks were part of the christening celebrations for the cruise liner, but as the so many well-groomed party guests made their way to the tower for photos, it then dawned on me that the fireworks were for a wedding celebration! I wonder who it was that could afford such an extravaganza.
另一個地點就是海外郵輪碼頭(Overseas Passenger Terminal)盡頭的塔,在塔上可全方位把歌劇院、大橋、碼頭旁古色古香的岩石區(The Rocks)、環形碼頭、海港乃至海港彼岸的北悉尼區(North Sydney)全部景色盡收眼底,12月12日那晚在塔上拍夜景時更有一大驚喜!我們在悉尼那幾天,剛好有三兩艘大型郵輪入港,其中一艘更是處女航,有勞新南威爾士州總督主持下水禮,12日那晚在郵輪碼頭舉行慶祝活節,熱鬧非常,那時我和家父輪流以歌劇院作背景拍照,突然海上傳來嘭嘭數響,轉身一望,原來是放煙火,令我們意想不到,我趕緊用相機在煙火以知片拍下來。煙火水準甚為專業,雖祇有一條小艇發放,但款式和色彩千變萬化,可媲美像悉尼每年的除夕煙火般大型盛事,怪不得煙火剛落時身旁的西人都開玩笑說「新年快樂」了。我起初還以為煙火是郵輪慶祝之一,但後來看到身穿盛裝的賓客陸續從郵輪碼頭的餐廳走過來輪流拍照,原來那場煙火是結婚的助興節目!結婚也能在悉尼海港放煙火,果然厲害!
Festivities for the cruise liner on its maiden voyage
The Opera House and Harbour Bridge by night
Firework surprise! (Click to view video.) 突如奇來的煙火!(可點擊觀看短片)
The Rocks with its steady stream of traffic (the Christmas Tree on the right is made of empty glass bottles)
It’s certainly exceeded my expectations that I was able to see something new and unexpected in the three days even though I’ve been to this city a few times in the past.
You must know Sydney better than I! Where did you live?
The bayside suburbs along Sydney Harbour are definitely perfect for retirement, and for someone used to London property prices like you, I'm sure those Sydney suburbs must be a bargain! But at the same time, there are a few less than desirable suburbs in Sydney that you'd rather not be in.
Actually the property price in Sydney is quiet high... you know places like Mosman... I don't think I can ever afford a place there.