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A mad dash in Christmas (3) - Hong Kong 馬不停蹄的聖誕(3)——香港

One big reason that drew me to Hong Kong for Christmas was the lively atmosphere, in contrast to Western countries where life suddenly comes to a halt during Christmas. I thought it was better to spend those days doing something useful in Hong Kong than sitting and doing nothing in Australia.

Singing carols and spreading the message of the gospel on Christmas Eve – reminds me of the party on the open-top bus in Barcelona.

Shopping arcades with their decorations and live performances.

A highlight during Christmas is the lighting decorations, which has probably bored some of the locals already but definitely not those living elsewhere. My friend took me to Tsim Sha Tsui on the evening of 26th December, and as soon as I disembarked from the ferry, a brand new hotel and shopping arcade caught my eye. The whole site was rebuilt from the former headquarters of Hong Kong’s marine police. The office building was turned into a boutique hotel, while the little hill beneath the building was excavated to make space for a new shopping precinct. We must have missed the peak of the visitor crowd during the holiday season, as we were able to walk around quite leisurely without bumping into people. Instead we bumped into more tripods, belonging to the many photographers in full professional gear. It won’t surprise me if Hong Kong indeed has the highest tripod density in the world!

The shops and plaza at the 1881 Heritage complex

The boutique hotel that was once the headquarters of the Marine Police


A paparazzi shot into the restaurant of the hotel!

The view from the terrace in front of the hotel

The mast where typhoon signals used to be hoisted

Tripod congestion!

Beautiful view of Victoria Harbour by night - only spoiled by the mist ...

Lighting decorations at Tsim Sha Tsui East


Something else that Hong Kong would come close to being top of the world is the ease of public transport. Before seeing the Christmas lighting decorations, I spent the day time with my relatives for yum cha in Wanchai before a trip to Tai Po which is quite a distance away from the heart of Hong Kong. We took a bus that only required 1/2 hour for this 30 km trip through a well-integrated network of tunnels and motorways. It was just as convenient as driving on your own! Tai Po has two big draw cards for us: its well-stocked market, particularly the seafood section which boasted of a great variety of produce and good prices; and a Chinese roast shop that made succulent roast geese and roasted pork that had layers of meat with different juiciness and texture underneath a most crispy skin. One couldn’t have asked for anything better.

Mouth-watering roasts 令人垂涎欲滴的燒味

People enjoying a quick bowl of tofu dessert

Fresh seafood abounds! 生猛海鮮隨處可見

The mountains of fruit in this grocery are equally impressive!

Hong Kong doesn’t stop any time for anyone, and this change can be felt particularly in the older districts which are undergoing urban renewal like Wanchai. I’ve heard of the fates to one of the more famous old-style restaurants and ‘Wedding Card Street’ through the news in the past, but it was a different feeling when visiting those sites in person. Those places made me realise how unforgiving time and the urban renewal process could be.

eBay delivery, Hong Kong style: meet me at Mongkok MTR station!

A desolate restaurant of a bygone era

No more buildings - and wedding cards, for now - on Wedding Card Street (see how the same place looked like in March 2007)

Every little space is prime property for redevelopment!

The most expensive property (per unit area) in the world showing off around town

New Year’s Eve was the day for frantic shopping and visiting people, and I really felt like a respite in the middle of it. The Chi Lin Nunnery and the adjoining Nan Lian Garden came to my mind, as it was close to my next destination. Although the nunnery and garden were 5 minutes by walk from built-up area, but once inside the hustle and bustle of people and traffic were shunted away by the peace and quiet, and high-rises gave way to the traditional houses and gardens. What a sharp contrast that was. It was a really precious half an hour that I could spare out of my hectic schedule, to slow down and seek sanctuary in the tranquil settings before I returned to the boisterous world outside.

An aerial view of the Chi Lin Nunnery and Nan Lian Garden

Nan Lian Garden, overlooked by many high-rises and surrounded by sound-proof barriers

Left: Xiang Hai Xuan Pavilion; Right: Pavilion of Absolute Perfection and the Lotus Pond

The Song Cha Xie Chinese tea house and its fish pond

Long Man Lou (Dragon Gate Tower), a vegetarian restaurant hidden behind the waterfall

The garden is planted with many pine trees and decorated with many rocks.

Looking over the Nan Lian Garden (left) and towards the Chi Lin Nunnery (right) from the bridge in between

The Da Xiong Temple in the Nunnery

Unfortunately many of the pavilions were fenced off (left) and out of bounds for visitors for no apparent reason. There were also many 'Garden Route' signs (right) that were supposed to guide visitors through the paths of the park. But at one stage, the visiting route was so strictly enforced that visitors who missed a turn-off to the toilets were not even allowed to backtrack!

I had more places to go to in the evening, including a New Year countdown with my brother at one of his colleagues’ place (which had a view for the International Financial Centre Phase II, the tallest building in Hong Kong and the centre point for the New Year’s Eve fireworks). All this travelling was only possible with a fast and reliable underground MTR train service, and New Year’s Eve turned out to be an exceptionally busy day on the MTR. Even at 10:30, which is normally a quiet time of the day, the carriages were already 60 to 70 % full (most of an MTR carriage is standing room with few seats). When the fireworks were over and I went home after 1 a.m., I didn’t expect that I had to wait for the second train when interchanging at Admiralty station like peak hour – and that was already with trains running every 2 to 3 minutes, almost reaching peak hour frequency. I haven’t had to spend a long time going home in those small hours.

New Year spectacular! 燦爛的煙花

Peak hour at 1 a.m.!

In the nine days, Hong Kong has shown to me once again how its many facets can exist side by side and be condensed into such a compact package. I am very satisfied with what I have seen, eaten and bought, and I ended up with more luggage than I was allowed to carry for free! Well, the airline only allowed 15 kg of hold luggage, and I thought it would be more than enough since I wouldn’t have to bring so many clothes for nine days. Obviously I’ve forgotten about the luggage allowance when doing the shopping, and I actually ended up 1 kg over. The airline was supposed to charge me for this extra luggage, but the lady at the check-in counter was kind enough to waive it. Lucky me!


Unknown said…
If I remember correctly, You have to pay something like 800 HK dollar per kg?
GK said…
Fortunately only HK$160 per kg for this airline! But HK$800 - which airline is it?! That sounds ridiculous!

I probably got away with it because I proactively offered to take a couple of books out of the suitcase.
eric said…
I went to the Chin Lin nunnery as well ... too bad outside food is not allowed in there!!
Unknown said…
Reading your blog reminds me of your Christmas card: Santa claus with BBQ. Hope I can celebrate Christmas one day like that. Now it is very cold and snowing in Munich. Ich bin wieder urlaubsreif.

Anonymous said…
Of all the places I have been, HK has the most spectacular nightview... surely one of the things I miss most.

Another thing is definitely the wet market... everything looks so fresh there... And nothing beat the taste of dishes cooked with live-chicken! See my favourite dish made by my mum with lived-chicken:

BTW... when is your next visit home (Hong Kong)?
Siu Heng said…
I didn't realise you've bought that many!
GK said…
Chi Lin certainly knows how to make its money - but it's a charitable organisation, so hopefully all the money gained is put to good use!
Did you visit Chi Lin in the most recent trip? What places have you visited? I'm checking your blog everyday!

YY and boundary:
Actually on that day (26/12) many youngsters were buying lots of big clams (蜆)presumably for Christmas barbecue. These people really know what to eat! YY, you should try a barbecue in HK once. You'll be impressed!

My next visit is probably September or October. How about you?

Siu Heng:
That's the danger of shopping in HK! Many things are so cheap that I'll buy them first and worry later. I also agreed to carry a couple of small items for a relative, and sooner or later all these little things add up to quite a lot of weight!
Anonymous said…

Clams are best for soup, stir fry, or hotpot... not sure whether they are good for bbq... Have you ever been try clam picking in Oz?

I probably would return in Aug or Sep... So, maybe we can go hotpot or BBQ, eating clams together? LOL.

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