I never thought that it could become so cold in mid-September. Perhaps writing about my three days in Barcelona (from 2nd to 4th July) will help me feel some warmth again!
My Hong Kong friend at my research institute once told me something about his colleague from Barcelona. She has actually been offered a post in Madrid, but was somewhat hesitant because Madrid was, in her opinion, a completely different place which would not make her totally feel at home. I thought that must be an overstatement, but once I’ve been in Barcelona, I could finally appreciate why she would have such an opinion.
Barcelona is situated in the region of Catalonia (called Catalunya in the local language) which has retained its own language of Catalan (Català). It’s actually quite close to Spanish but differences are easy to spot. Catalan enjoys a status that many regional languages or dialects can only envy, as most of the signs in the streets, public notices and even announcements in the underground trains are only in Catalan!

As the two metropolises of Spain, Barcelona and Madrid are set apart by their different lay-outs and feels. While the capital can boast of its majesty and energy, Barcelona exudes its own character and has an added element of fun. Perhaps a strong local culture (like the Basque Country) and proximity to the sea have helped to shape the distinctive appeal of Barcelona.

Partying hard and loud on an open-top bus
Left: the underground railway exit at Plaça de Catalunya
A square that can rival the spaciousness and grandeur of Plaça de Catalunya is the one adjoining the Arc de Triomf (Arch of Triumph), without the masses of people that pass through Plaça de Catalunya at any time. At the end of that square lies the Parc de la Ciutadella (Citadel Park) that hosted the World Expo of 1888. The Arc de Triomf was built in time as the official main entrance to the Expo.
另一個氣派上配得上卡泰隆廣場的,要算是凱旋門(Arc de Triomf)及相連的廣場,但遊人明顯少得多。廣場的未端是堡壘公園(Parc de la Ciutadella),1888年曾是世界博覽會的場地,凱旋門是為該世界博覽會而建,作為會場的主要入口。

Arc de Triomf

Parc de la Ciutadella 堡壘公園
The walk from Las Ramblas to Arc de Triomf took me through numerous side streets and several open squares, as well as the main Cathedral of Barcelona. While its side entrance was rather nondescript, the cathedral was rather distinctive for its pleasant small courtyard before entering the cathedral itself, as well as for its rooftop which was open to the public as a viewing point for the city.
從Las Ramblas到凱旋門,中間經過無數小街和好幾個廣場,還有巴塞羅那大教堂(Catedral),我從側門進內參觀,入口其貌不揚,但踏入教堂前先要經過一個挺精緻的小庭園,而教堂的屋背是對外開放,遊人可乘升降機到那裡從高瀏覽附近的景色。

Plaça Reial

The courtyard inside the Cathedral (right: a fountain called Font de Sant Jordi)
大教堂的小花園(右圖是Sant Jordi噴水池)

The interior of the Cathedral

From the rooftop of the Cathedral
The side streets and little alleys in that area formed an intricate network that rendered maps rather useless. It was actually better to explore the city without relying on a map as my familiarity with Barcelona grew. Indeed it was a lot more relaxing without having to worry about directions all the time, and as my exploration went on, I felt more and more at ease to the extent that it felt like home to me! The homely atmosphere was really pervasive, carried through by a series of open squares that opened up in front of my eyes one after the other as I meandered through the streets. The squares were filled with people who were gathering to relax, have a chat or enjoy a sip, and were inviting passers-by to slow down, take a breather and savour what was on offer in this kind of surroundings. Isn’t it like a home where people can make a retreat from the busy world outside and spend time with the loved ones?

One of the many little narrow streets in the La Ribera district
La Ribera區內眾多小道之一

Plaça de l'Acadèmia 學院廣場

A leafy square at Carrer del Petons, just around the corner from Plaça de l'Acadèmia
學院廣場附近Carrer del Petons,綠樹成蔭的廣場
Plaça del Fossar de les Moreres, with a monument to commemorate the Siege of Barcelona (1713 - 1714)
Fossar de les Moreres廣場,紀念1713至1714年間巴塞羅那被圍困

Basilicia Santa Maria del Mar (The Church of Saint Mary by the Sea) opposite to the Plaça del Fossar de les Moreres
Fossar de les Moreres廣場對面的海上聖瑪利亞教堂(我不禁想,是不是西人的天后廟?)
Some of the residences along the side streets were more than just a place to live. The corridors were actually little alleys that connected one street to another, with their own little shops and food stalls. What a neighbourly setting it was for people to meet and enjoy some time together. Barcelona is really blessed with squares and laneways like those which help to cement neighbourhoods and maintain a sense of belonging among its people.

The Passatge de les Manufactures (left), a little alley tucked inside one of the buildings at Carrer de Sant Pere Mès Alt (right)
位於Carrer de Sant Pere Mès Alt街(右)一幢大廈內的Passatge de les Manufactures小巷(左)

Barcelona has many other interesting alleys like Passatge de la Pau (left) and Passatge Sert (right)
巴塞羅那小巷眾多,各有風格,如Passatge de la Pau(左)和Passatge Sert(右)
An international city that is not shy of its thriving local culture, a metropolis that hasn’t forgotten its local communities, Barcelona seems to have the right blend of these attributes that help to make itself attractive in a distinctive way. This shop sign can very well sum up Barcelona: ‘No es lo mismo / it’s not the same’ – as anyone else.
My Hong Kong friend at my research institute once told me something about his colleague from Barcelona. She has actually been offered a post in Madrid, but was somewhat hesitant because Madrid was, in her opinion, a completely different place which would not make her totally feel at home. I thought that must be an overstatement, but once I’ve been in Barcelona, I could finally appreciate why she would have such an opinion.
Barcelona is situated in the region of Catalonia (called Catalunya in the local language) which has retained its own language of Catalan (Català). It’s actually quite close to Spanish but differences are easy to spot. Catalan enjoys a status that many regional languages or dialects can only envy, as most of the signs in the streets, public notices and even announcements in the underground trains are only in Catalan!
Want to learn Catalan? 想學卡泰隆語嗎?
As the two metropolises of Spain, Barcelona and Madrid are set apart by their different lay-outs and feels. While the capital can boast of its majesty and energy, Barcelona exudes its own character and has an added element of fun. Perhaps a strong local culture (like the Basque Country) and proximity to the sea have helped to shape the distinctive appeal of Barcelona.
Partying hard and loud on an open-top bus

This place is till pretty hot well into the evening!
Las Ramblas is a street (or more correctly, a successive series of streets) that all tourists won’t miss. It starts at the eastern end with the column of Mirador de Colom (Columbus monument) that commemorates the discovery of American by Columbus in 1492. This very tall column, with the statue of Columbus atop, is an eye-catching landmark particularly by the sea.
市內一條遊客必到大街為名Las Ramblas,該街的東端是一座名為Mirador de Colom的塔,紀念哥倫布在1492年發現新大陸,矗立在海傍,哥倫布人像高高在上,是個搶眼的地標。

Left: Duana de Barcelona (Barcelona Customs Office)
In the middle of the road of Las Ramblas is a pedestrian zone where many buskers and newspaper kiosks are stationed, and on my last day in Barcelona there was also a craft market. At the other end of Las Ramblas I came across three pet shops, and how unexpected I was to see the feathered creatures being sold as pets! Live birds being sold in public places is such a rare sight across almost anywhere in Europe, and even in places like Hong Kong it will soon be relegated to history.
Las Ramblas中央是寬闊的步行區,平時五步一賣藝者,十步一報紙檔,人頭湧湧,我在巴塞羅那的最後一天還擺賣手工藝,該街的另一個盡頭,有三家寵物店, 令我意想不到的,是那些店竟有不少禽鳥出售,包括小雞、小鴨,在公眾地方賣活禽鳥,莫說在歐洲絕無僅有,在香港遲早也變成歷史!

Those pet shops are not far from the enormous Plaça de Catalunya (Catalonia Square). Farther to the north there is the boulevard called Passeig de Gràcia which is not only a popular shopping street but also home to two of the many famous buildings designed by the architect Gaudí. It’s worth talking about his masterpieces in a separate blog post.
離那些寵物店不遠的便是敞大的卡泰隆廣場(Plaça de Catalunya),再往北走便轉到另一條大街Passeig de Gràcia,兩旁不祇商店林立,也豎立了兩幢由名建築師高廸(Gaudí)設計的大廈,另文再詳談。

This place is till pretty hot well into the evening!
Las Ramblas is a street (or more correctly, a successive series of streets) that all tourists won’t miss. It starts at the eastern end with the column of Mirador de Colom (Columbus monument) that commemorates the discovery of American by Columbus in 1492. This very tall column, with the statue of Columbus atop, is an eye-catching landmark particularly by the sea.
市內一條遊客必到大街為名Las Ramblas,該街的東端是一座名為Mirador de Colom的塔,紀念哥倫布在1492年發現新大陸,矗立在海傍,哥倫布人像高高在上,是個搶眼的地標。
Left: Duana de Barcelona (Barcelona Customs Office)
In the middle of the road of Las Ramblas is a pedestrian zone where many buskers and newspaper kiosks are stationed, and on my last day in Barcelona there was also a craft market. At the other end of Las Ramblas I came across three pet shops, and how unexpected I was to see the feathered creatures being sold as pets! Live birds being sold in public places is such a rare sight across almost anywhere in Europe, and even in places like Hong Kong it will soon be relegated to history.
Las Ramblas中央是寬闊的步行區,平時五步一賣藝者,十步一報紙檔,人頭湧湧,我在巴塞羅那的最後一天還擺賣手工藝,該街的另一個盡頭,有三家寵物店, 令我意想不到的,是那些店竟有不少禽鳥出售,包括小雞、小鴨,在公眾地方賣活禽鳥,莫說在歐洲絕無僅有,在香港遲早也變成歷史!
Those pet shops are not far from the enormous Plaça de Catalunya (Catalonia Square). Farther to the north there is the boulevard called Passeig de Gràcia which is not only a popular shopping street but also home to two of the many famous buildings designed by the architect Gaudí. It’s worth talking about his masterpieces in a separate blog post.
離那些寵物店不遠的便是敞大的卡泰隆廣場(Plaça de Catalunya),再往北走便轉到另一條大街Passeig de Gràcia,兩旁不祇商店林立,也豎立了兩幢由名建築師高廸(Gaudí)設計的大廈,另文再詳談。
Left: the underground railway exit at Plaça de Catalunya
A square that can rival the spaciousness and grandeur of Plaça de Catalunya is the one adjoining the Arc de Triomf (Arch of Triumph), without the masses of people that pass through Plaça de Catalunya at any time. At the end of that square lies the Parc de la Ciutadella (Citadel Park) that hosted the World Expo of 1888. The Arc de Triomf was built in time as the official main entrance to the Expo.
另一個氣派上配得上卡泰隆廣場的,要算是凱旋門(Arc de Triomf)及相連的廣場,但遊人明顯少得多。廣場的未端是堡壘公園(Parc de la Ciutadella),1888年曾是世界博覽會的場地,凱旋門是為該世界博覽會而建,作為會場的主要入口。
Arc de Triomf
Parc de la Ciutadella 堡壘公園
The walk from Las Ramblas to Arc de Triomf took me through numerous side streets and several open squares, as well as the main Cathedral of Barcelona. While its side entrance was rather nondescript, the cathedral was rather distinctive for its pleasant small courtyard before entering the cathedral itself, as well as for its rooftop which was open to the public as a viewing point for the city.
從Las Ramblas到凱旋門,中間經過無數小街和好幾個廣場,還有巴塞羅那大教堂(Catedral),我從側門進內參觀,入口其貌不揚,但踏入教堂前先要經過一個挺精緻的小庭園,而教堂的屋背是對外開放,遊人可乘升降機到那裡從高瀏覽附近的景色。
Plaça Reial

Sant Server Palau de Generalitat (Palace of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia)

The Cathedral (left) with its main entrance facing Plaça Nova (right)

The side entrance that would have been easily missed!
Sant Server Palau de Generalitat (Palace of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia)
The Cathedral (left) with its main entrance facing Plaça Nova (right)
The side entrance that would have been easily missed!
The courtyard inside the Cathedral (right: a fountain called Font de Sant Jordi)
大教堂的小花園(右圖是Sant Jordi噴水池)
The interior of the Cathedral
From the rooftop of the Cathedral
The side streets and little alleys in that area formed an intricate network that rendered maps rather useless. It was actually better to explore the city without relying on a map as my familiarity with Barcelona grew. Indeed it was a lot more relaxing without having to worry about directions all the time, and as my exploration went on, I felt more and more at ease to the extent that it felt like home to me! The homely atmosphere was really pervasive, carried through by a series of open squares that opened up in front of my eyes one after the other as I meandered through the streets. The squares were filled with people who were gathering to relax, have a chat or enjoy a sip, and were inviting passers-by to slow down, take a breather and savour what was on offer in this kind of surroundings. Isn’t it like a home where people can make a retreat from the busy world outside and spend time with the loved ones?
One of the many little narrow streets in the La Ribera district
La Ribera區內眾多小道之一
Plaça de l'Acadèmia 學院廣場
A leafy square at Carrer del Petons, just around the corner from Plaça de l'Acadèmia
學院廣場附近Carrer del Petons,綠樹成蔭的廣場
Fossar de les Moreres廣場,紀念1713至1714年間巴塞羅那被圍困
Basilicia Santa Maria del Mar (The Church of Saint Mary by the Sea) opposite to the Plaça del Fossar de les Moreres
Fossar de les Moreres廣場對面的海上聖瑪利亞教堂(我不禁想,是不是西人的天后廟?)
Some of the residences along the side streets were more than just a place to live. The corridors were actually little alleys that connected one street to another, with their own little shops and food stalls. What a neighbourly setting it was for people to meet and enjoy some time together. Barcelona is really blessed with squares and laneways like those which help to cement neighbourhoods and maintain a sense of belonging among its people.
The Passatge de les Manufactures (left), a little alley tucked inside one of the buildings at Carrer de Sant Pere Mès Alt (right)
位於Carrer de Sant Pere Mès Alt街(右)一幢大廈內的Passatge de les Manufactures小巷(左)
Barcelona has many other interesting alleys like Passatge de la Pau (left) and Passatge Sert (right)
巴塞羅那小巷眾多,各有風格,如Passatge de la Pau(左)和Passatge Sert(右)