We were thankful that we still managed this trip without a rental car - unavailable at first, then prohibitively expensive closer to our departure. We got by travelling to and from Bicheno by coaches, but that necessitated our very early departure from Bicheno at 06:30 for Coles Bay. We waited for more than 5 hours to be picked up by a day tour to Freycinet National Park starting from and ending in Hobart so that we could get to Hobart in the evening.
沒想到這個旅程我們完全租不到車——初時是無供應,後來是太貴——猶幸坐長途巴士也能解決問題,只不過是時間多了掣肘。由比奇諾出發往下一站Coles Bay,只有06:30一班車,之後在Coles Bay等5個鐘,上了一個起點和終點皆是霍巴特的菲辛那國家公園一天團,好讓我們當晚能抵達霍巴特。
To while away time my wife watched over our luggage while watching videos, allowing me to undertake an almost 2-hour stroll along the Muirs Beach there. I didn't appreciate at that time, but the ridge flanking one side of the bay was on fact the hills within Freycinet National Park.
要打發五小時,內子邊看視像邊看管行李,讓我可獨個在Muirs Beach沙灘蹓躂差不多兩小時。我當時不知,從沙灘一端看到另一端的山脈,就是菲辛那國家公園內的幾座山。
Once we got picked up by the 'tour' from Hobart - there were only two of us plus the tour guide cum driver - we headed into Freycinet National Park and embarked on a hike along the Wineglass Bay Lookout Track. Although the ultimate climax of this track was the aerial view of Wineglass Bay, the boulders en route were also sights to behold and added majesty to the scenery. I couldn't help but to admire!
More photos of the boulders:
There were plenty of seaviews along the track. Coles Bay was visible in the first half of the ascent, while Wineglass Bay was dominant in the very final parts of the ascent. Wineglass Bay was so named not only because of its shape but also because of the bloody history of whale slaughtering which used to turn the water into the colour of a red wine. But these days the Bay is far more tranquil and peaceful, and the azure water was a good match with the sky blue.
觀光景沿途不乏海景,登山頭半部不少地方都能遙望Coles Bay,到登上的最後一段,酒杯灣的景色就令人百看不厭。酒杯灣除了形狀像酒杯,亦因從前捕鯨者在該處屠宰鯨魚把海水染成酒紅色而名,但到今時今日酒杯灣是一片恬靜怡人,海的藍色和天的藍色相輔相成。
After the hike we went to the nearby Honeymoon Bay. The boulders along the shore were dotted with heart-shaped indentations, but how they came about remained a mystery to me as I could not find any information about it. It was a pity that we could only spend half an hour there as the warm weather and the colours of the water were only too tempting. A photo of the blue sky, different shades of blue in the sea, the beaches and the crowd of people in the water looked almost like one taken from Thailand!
Our 3 hours in Freycinet National Park clearly did not do justice to this beautiful natural reserve. Apparently one can spend a while month rambling and camping within the park! Wineglass Bay is internationally well-known as well, and we weren't surprised to see signs written in Chinese but were nevertheless taken aback by the tone of one of the signs which was so typical in mainland China!