This winter has been one where the sky was often as grey as the pavements and the colour that people wore matched the dullness and sombreness of the world around them. The weather and scenery reminded me so much of the typical autumns of Germany – if it hasn’t been an exact replica thereof.
And much like my second autumn in Germany, this season has been filled with comings and goings.
The frenzy of construction near my work place continues unabated, and at the end of July one of those long-established pubs has decided to call the last round in order to make way for new student flats. Although I don’t frequent it, it’s no ordinary pub to me, as it was where I had my first ever drop of alcohol in my life on my 21st birthday. After a lunch and a beer on the closing day, all that was left was just memories of the days long gone.

The lab has seen a research group moving elsewhere and a couple of others leaving. Some of those have only joined the lab for less than half a year, and now they have to move on with their boss to a new institute. It’s hard not to miss them, but on the other hand it’s also hard not to enjoy the greater bench space and shorter queues at the machines for now before a new group moves in towards the end of the year!
The start of August has seen a flurry of meeting-ups as a few of my friends from university days have (perhaps coincidentally) chosen to descend in Melbourne around that time. It’s indeed very rare to see almost all my friends together these days. What a waste it would have been if we didn’t take the opportunity to celebrate the reunion! It also gave me the perfect reason to throw a birthday party for them – I don’t think I’ve done a formal one since my 21st, come to think of it! It’s a pity that they could only stay briefly, but it’s always glad to know that some of them are moving on to newer and better ventures.

Sunny days have been few and far in between, but when they were there, it was a chance to rejoice and break out of the winter lull. Visiting the city parks that I haven’t been to before was indeed a good way to make use of the bright sunshine and warmth. Those days felt more like the best of early spring or late autumn, and allowed people to forget temporarily about the winter doldrums.

Very soon I’ll be leaving this ‘German autumn’ behind and flying into a real German autumn. I know that this autumn will have a few things in store for me, from old friendships to new surprises. It will be a time to reminisce and at the same time see how things have changed.
And much like my second autumn in Germany, this season has been filled with comings and goings.
The frenzy of construction near my work place continues unabated, and at the end of July one of those long-established pubs has decided to call the last round in order to make way for new student flats. Although I don’t frequent it, it’s no ordinary pub to me, as it was where I had my first ever drop of alcohol in my life on my 21st birthday. After a lunch and a beer on the closing day, all that was left was just memories of the days long gone.
The lab has seen a research group moving elsewhere and a couple of others leaving. Some of those have only joined the lab for less than half a year, and now they have to move on with their boss to a new institute. It’s hard not to miss them, but on the other hand it’s also hard not to enjoy the greater bench space and shorter queues at the machines for now before a new group moves in towards the end of the year!
The start of August has seen a flurry of meeting-ups as a few of my friends from university days have (perhaps coincidentally) chosen to descend in Melbourne around that time. It’s indeed very rare to see almost all my friends together these days. What a waste it would have been if we didn’t take the opportunity to celebrate the reunion! It also gave me the perfect reason to throw a birthday party for them – I don’t think I’ve done a formal one since my 21st, come to think of it! It’s a pity that they could only stay briefly, but it’s always glad to know that some of them are moving on to newer and better ventures.
Sunny days have been few and far in between, but when they were there, it was a chance to rejoice and break out of the winter lull. Visiting the city parks that I haven’t been to before was indeed a good way to make use of the bright sunshine and warmth. Those days felt more like the best of early spring or late autumn, and allowed people to forget temporarily about the winter doldrums.
Very soon I’ll be leaving this ‘German autumn’ behind and flying into a real German autumn. I know that this autumn will have a few things in store for me, from old friendships to new surprises. It will be a time to reminisce and at the same time see how things have changed.