The dust is rising around my work place these days. It’s really no surprise given that the government, university and property developers are all in a construction frenzy.

Directly opposite to the Royal Melbourne Hospital building (to the south) where my laboratory is located, what was once the Royal Dental Hospital has finally been torn down after it was relocated elsewhere 5 to 6 years ago. The demolition works have been in preparation since the start of the year and finally started last month. Within two weeks the whole building was almost reduced to rubbles, and it is indeed a rare sight to be able to see the front of the Royal Melbourne Hospital in full view from afar (see above). The site will turn into a new cancer hospital which will house both medical and research facilities (see below).
實驗室所位處的皇家墨爾本醫院(Royal Melbourne Hospital),正門對面(南方)本是牙科醫院,但自五、六年前搬遷後一直丟空,直至今年初才部署清拆,上個月開展工作,不消個多星期便夷為平地,能從遠處無遮無擋遙望醫院正門,實是難得一見之景象(見上圖)。該址將重建為新癌症中心,集醫療和研究於一身(見下圖)。

The hotel across the road from the former Dental Hospital (to the south-east of the Royal Melbourne Hospital) has been just vacated and is awaiting demolition. In the future, the site will become a research institute in immunology and microbiology under The University of Melbourne. Properties that are still not in the hands of the University will be gradually acquired, so that the University can expand its reach with time.

Not far from the hotel, the Neuroscience Institute on the University campus (east of the Royal Melbourne Hospital) has its glass walls fitted in the last few days. It was formerly home to the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, where I have spent umpteen days for my undergraduate study, made friends that I still keep in touch with, and was first exposed to my current profession. These fond memories are now gone with the old building (apparently I’ve missed the farewell ceremony as I was in Germany at that time), but with the new research institute come new research and job prospects that I can look forward to.

Across the road west of the hospital, a pub-hotel, a two-storey office block and another building (I’ve forgotten what it used to be) have been successfully knocked down by property developers for building new residential blocks. These developers are sure to make a killing there, as prospective buyers would love somewhere which is just a stone’s throw away from the city sans its noise and crowd.
Then of course there’s my research institute. Our building extension is near completion and my lab is set to move in there towards the end of this year or early next year. Witnessing the construction work day in day out from ground up – and now the renovations – it’s difficult not to be reminded how quickly time flies and memories are erased, including those of the Biochemistry building and the pub-hotel that I would visit from time to time. But the world moves on, and all this construction will bring more than spanking new buildings.

It’s all part of the grand plan by the state government of Victoria and The University of Melbourne who aim to bolster existing strengths in medical research by building a research hub with a concentration of research institutes and hospitals. Not only is it supposed to foster exchange of expertise (among research institutes as well as between the institutes and hospitals), but it will also provide a common pool of equipment and instruments. The cluster of hospitals will also help the government save considerable running costs on, for example, catering, logistics and engineering from its medical expenditure. (The Royal Melbourne Hospital and the Royal Women’s Hospital are currently adjoined to each other, and when the cancer hospital opposite is completed there will be a bridge across the road linking up all three hospitals.) This is indeed a commendable and forward-looking concept. My only reservations are the further pressure on road traffic and public transport which are already rather congested during peak hours, as well as the ease with which contagions will spread among the patients as the hospitals are so concentrated in one place and difficult to be isolated from one another. If all goes to plan, a new face (and phase) of medical services and research will soon be upon us.
Compared to construction works that evolve on a daily basis, nature often changes at a much slower pace but no less spectacular. A news article in the journal Nature earlier this week reported that half of the measured melting of glaciers could be attributed to natural climatic fluctuations. I was captivated by the two photos which showed vis-à-vis the views in 1890 and 2005, and I could immediately recognise that the glacier was the Aletschglatscher in Switzerland that I visited in summer 2006. I was stunned by how much the glacier has actually retreated during those years. Glacier levels are an important indicator of climate change, and human activity is responsible for much of it. However, it’s indeed our fatal flaw that we can’t normally see or feel the impact of our lifestyles and activities on the environment because the changes take place over tens if not hundreds of years. If we don’t even make a start on reducing our burden on nature and protecting what’s there now, it will simply be too late!
Directly opposite to the Royal Melbourne Hospital building (to the south) where my laboratory is located, what was once the Royal Dental Hospital has finally been torn down after it was relocated elsewhere 5 to 6 years ago. The demolition works have been in preparation since the start of the year and finally started last month. Within two weeks the whole building was almost reduced to rubbles, and it is indeed a rare sight to be able to see the front of the Royal Melbourne Hospital in full view from afar (see above). The site will turn into a new cancer hospital which will house both medical and research facilities (see below).
實驗室所位處的皇家墨爾本醫院(Royal Melbourne Hospital),正門對面(南方)本是牙科醫院,但自五、六年前搬遷後一直丟空,直至今年初才部署清拆,上個月開展工作,不消個多星期便夷為平地,能從遠處無遮無擋遙望醫院正門,實是難得一見之景象(見上圖)。該址將重建為新癌症中心,集醫療和研究於一身(見下圖)。
The hotel across the road from the former Dental Hospital (to the south-east of the Royal Melbourne Hospital) has been just vacated and is awaiting demolition. In the future, the site will become a research institute in immunology and microbiology under The University of Melbourne. Properties that are still not in the hands of the University will be gradually acquired, so that the University can expand its reach with time.
Not far from the hotel, the Neuroscience Institute on the University campus (east of the Royal Melbourne Hospital) has its glass walls fitted in the last few days. It was formerly home to the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, where I have spent umpteen days for my undergraduate study, made friends that I still keep in touch with, and was first exposed to my current profession. These fond memories are now gone with the old building (apparently I’ve missed the farewell ceremony as I was in Germany at that time), but with the new research institute come new research and job prospects that I can look forward to.
Across the road west of the hospital, a pub-hotel, a two-storey office block and another building (I’ve forgotten what it used to be) have been successfully knocked down by property developers for building new residential blocks. These developers are sure to make a killing there, as prospective buyers would love somewhere which is just a stone’s throw away from the city sans its noise and crowd.
Then of course there’s my research institute. Our building extension is near completion and my lab is set to move in there towards the end of this year or early next year. Witnessing the construction work day in day out from ground up – and now the renovations – it’s difficult not to be reminded how quickly time flies and memories are erased, including those of the Biochemistry building and the pub-hotel that I would visit from time to time. But the world moves on, and all this construction will bring more than spanking new buildings.
It’s all part of the grand plan by the state government of Victoria and The University of Melbourne who aim to bolster existing strengths in medical research by building a research hub with a concentration of research institutes and hospitals. Not only is it supposed to foster exchange of expertise (among research institutes as well as between the institutes and hospitals), but it will also provide a common pool of equipment and instruments. The cluster of hospitals will also help the government save considerable running costs on, for example, catering, logistics and engineering from its medical expenditure. (The Royal Melbourne Hospital and the Royal Women’s Hospital are currently adjoined to each other, and when the cancer hospital opposite is completed there will be a bridge across the road linking up all three hospitals.) This is indeed a commendable and forward-looking concept. My only reservations are the further pressure on road traffic and public transport which are already rather congested during peak hours, as well as the ease with which contagions will spread among the patients as the hospitals are so concentrated in one place and difficult to be isolated from one another. If all goes to plan, a new face (and phase) of medical services and research will soon be upon us.
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Compared to construction works that evolve on a daily basis, nature often changes at a much slower pace but no less spectacular. A news article in the journal Nature earlier this week reported that half of the measured melting of glaciers could be attributed to natural climatic fluctuations. I was captivated by the two photos which showed vis-à-vis the views in 1890 and 2005, and I could immediately recognise that the glacier was the Aletschglatscher in Switzerland that I visited in summer 2006. I was stunned by how much the glacier has actually retreated during those years. Glacier levels are an important indicator of climate change, and human activity is responsible for much of it. However, it’s indeed our fatal flaw that we can’t normally see or feel the impact of our lifestyles and activities on the environment because the changes take place over tens if not hundreds of years. If we don’t even make a start on reducing our burden on nature and protecting what’s there now, it will simply be too late!