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Showing posts from June, 2010

Changing in a frenzy 有破壞才有建設?

The dust is rising around my work place these days. It’s really no surprise given that the government, university and property developers are all in a construction frenzy. 最近工作地點四周都塵土飛揚,無他的,不論是政府、大學和地產商都大興土木,好不熱鬧。 Directly opposite to the Royal Melbourne Hospital building (to the south) where my laboratory is located, what was once the Royal Dental Hospital has finally been torn down after it was relocated elsewhere 5 to 6 years ago. The demolition works have been in preparation since the start of the year and finally started last month. Within two weeks the whole building was almost reduced to rubbles, and it is indeed a rare sight to be able to see the front of the Royal Melbourne Hospital in full view from afar (see above). The site will turn into a new cancer hospital which will house both medical and research facilities (see below). 實驗室所位處的皇家墨爾本醫院(Royal Melbourne Hospital),正門對面(南方)本是牙科醫院,但自五、六年前搬遷後一直丟空,直至今年初才部署清拆,上個月開展工作,不消個多星期便夷為平地,能從遠處無遮無擋遙望醫院正門,實是難得一見之景象(見上圖)。該址將重建為新癌症中心,集醫療和研究...

Degustation and exploration 城市嚐新篇

Last Sunday (31st May) I organised a yum cha outing for fellow post-doctoral researchers. Apart from myself and a Chinese Malaysian, the rest are all Westerners. 上星期日(5月31日)我負責為博士後研究生安排去飲茶,除了我和另一個來自馬來西亞的華人外,還有八個外國人 。 Fortunately they were not adverse to trying new things. All of them took the courage to try the jellyfish that accompanied the dish of roast suckling pig, but admittedly they didn’t like it too much. I wouldn’t blame them. The rubbery yet rough strips of jellyfish might not have looked the most appealing, while the association between jellyfish and toxic stings is also quite unpalatable to some. With more people to share the risk, three of us volunteered to try the quintessential dim sum of chicken feet. They seemed to cope quite well with the small bones and gelatinous skin, and one of them was even smart enough to pull out the largest bone before tackling the more delicate parts of the foot. They made a feast of the chicken feet and took a photo for the occasion. 可幸他...