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Showing posts from December, 2008

Passau, where three rivers pass by 三河匯合的帕紹

Since November my workload has suddenly picked up a lot, but I still could not resist the temptation to sneak out for a day trip. So I happily accepted the invitation from a friend to visit her in Passau and went there with a couple of other guys. This friend of mine has visited me back in June and has now started studying at the University of Passau. 十一月以來,工作應接不暇,但十二月初還是應了一個德國朋友之邀,忙裡愉閒跟另兩個朋友到巴伐利亞州東部城市帕紹 (Passau) 遊玩一天。這個德國朋友, 六月 曾來探訪,今年秋天起到帕紹唸大學。 Passau is also known as the City of Three Rivers, and is physically located at the tip of a peninsula where the three rivers meet, namely the Danube, the Inn (which flows through many places including Innsbruck ) and the Ilz. The Danube lies north of the peninsula, with a narrower surface, stronger current but fortunately a deeper river bed which makes the river more suitable for shipping. 帕紹又稱三河之城,城理上位處一個半島的尖端,尖端處是三條河匯流的地方 —— 計有多瑙河( Danube )、茵河( Inn ,上游流經多個城市包括茵斯布魯克 Innsbruck )及伊爾茨河 ( Ilz ) 。半島北面的多瑙河,河面較窄,水流較急,但勝在河床較深,所以較適合大型的船隻通過。 From the ...

Ulm, old and new 新舊交錯的烏爾姆

The weather was still treating us relatively well at the start of November. To help to kill the time of the first weekend, with a bank holiday (All Saints’ Day on 1st November) followed by a Sunday, I gathered a few friends for a visit to Ulm. It’s one of the few times we managed to step outside Bavaria on a day trip – well, just outside. Ulm is officially in the neighbouring state of Baden-Württemberg but hugs right at the border with Bavaria. 剛踏入十一月時天氣還不算太冷,加上十一月第一天是萬聖節假期,第二天是星期日,不想連續悶兩天,所以約了朋友到烏爾姆(Ulm)一遊。烏爾姆剛好位於巴伐利亞州和巴登符騰堡州(Baden-Württemberg)的交界,而又屬於後者,所以是次旅遊也算得上穿州過省! Ulm is supposed to be famous for being the birthplace of Einstein and home to the tallest church in the world, but seems to be shy of the Einstein connection. This monument which marked the house where Einstein was born was tucked beside the main street with its description facing the other side of the street. No wonder we had to turn full circle (literally!) before we realised what it was. 烏爾姆之所以有名,一來是愛因斯坦的出生地,二則有最世界最...